Birmingham Repertory Theatre 1907 – 1943

This list has been compiled from a book that I picked up in a charity shop entitled “The Birmingham Repertory Theatre” by T. C. Kemp and published in 1943. There are two indexes – a general index and one of players (actors) in the productions. These have been combined together with the people shown in photographs in the book and listed below.

It is probable that a number of the names are stage names and the list does contain a number of well known people (e.g. John Geilgud, later Sir John), but I have avoided the temptation not to include them on the grounds that I am not qualified to decide whom to omit (and besides someone may have one of these people in their tree!).

The following codes have been used:

P – Player

F – Photograph

I – Index

* – I have been contacted by someone else with an interest in this name (E-mail me and I’ll try and put them in touch with you)

The book is now in the library of the Society of Genealogists. Please note that if a name is only shown as being in the list of players (P) then there is no further information in the book. If you have any queries about the list (please note that I am now unable to carry out look-ups from the book), please contact us using the link in the footer of this page.


Abbotts Audrey P
Abercrombie Lascelles I
Achurch G. Philip I
Acton Bond B. P
Acton Bond Michael P
Adams Adrienne P
Adams Miriam P
Adcock Truda P
Agate James I
Aherne Elana P
Ainsworth Annette P
Aldewinckle Frank P
Allbutt Horace P
Alleley Sidney P
Allison Harold P
Anderson Gerald P
Anderson John P
Anderton Helen P
Andrews Adrienne P
Anning Florence P
Archdale Bee P
Archer William I
Arkell Reginald I
Armstrong William I
Armstrong William P
Arnaud Yvonne I
Arniel Harold P
Arthur Anthony P
Arundale Sybil I
Arundale Sybil P
Ascherson Renee F
Ascherson Renee I
Ascherson Renee P
Ashcroft Peggy I
Ashcroft Peggy P
Ashmore B. N. P
Ashmore Irene P
Aspland Blanche P
Atherton Basil P
Auden W. H. I
Ault Marie I
Ault Marie P
Austin Sumner P
Avery Alec P
Ayliff H. K. I
Ayliff H. K. P
Aylmer Felix I
Aylmer Felix P
Bache William P
Baddeley Muriel P
Badham Walter P
Bagnall Francis P
Bailey Gordon P
Baillie Carrie P
Baldwin William P
Banks Leslie I
Banks Leslie P
Bantock Granville I
Baptist R. H. I
Barber H. R. P
Barbirolli John I
Barker Erie P
Barker Molly P
Barling Edith M. I
Barling Gilbert I
Barnard Ivor I
Barnard Ivor P
Barnes Barry K. I
Barnes Barry K. P
Barnett Julia P
Barnett Orlando P
Barr H. D. I
Barrett Godfrey P
Barrett R. P
Barrett Wilson I
Barrie Anthony I
Barrie Anthony P
Barrie J. M. I
Barrow Walter I
Barry Charles I
Barry Joan P
Barry Michael I
Barry Michael P
Barry Roger P
Bartleet Basil P
Bartlett J. J. P
Barton Dora P
Bassano Vera P
Batson Rosa P
Battis Marjorie P
Bax Arnold I
Baxter Godfrey I
Baxter Godfrey P
Bayley Amy P
Bayliss Winnie P
Bazell Anthony P
Beale Alfred W. P
Beanes John I
Beauchamp Barbara P
Beaumont George P
Beck H. W. P
Bedford-Williams Nora P
Belas Julia P
Beldon Eileen P
Beldon, Eileen I
Belfrage Bruce I
Belfrage Bruce P
Bennet Gordon P
Bennett Faith P
Bennett Holland P
Bennett Leonard P
Bennett Leslie P
Bennett Norman P
Bennett Rose P
Bennett Vivienne I
Bennett Vivienne P
Bennett William P
Benoliel Bernard P
Benson Eva P
Bentley John P
Bergner Elisabeth I
Berrill Irene P
Bessborough Lord I
Bidmead Phyllis P
Bill Geraldine P
Binge Walter P
Birkbeck Olga P
Bishop Gabriel P
Bishop George W. I
Bishop George F
Black David P
Black Dorothy I
Black Dorothy P
Black Pamela P
Blackwood George P
Blades Elma P
Bladwell E. W. P
Blake Gray P
Blake Hilda P
Blakiston Ena P
Blanch Arthur P
Blanche Ellen P
Bland Alan I
Bland Alan P
Blandford Douglas P
Blatchley E. P
Blatchley E. *
Blatchley Richard P
Blatchley Richard *
Bliss Hebe P
Block Mattie P
Block Ruth P
Blurton Monica P
Bly Nicholas P
Boas F. S. I
Bodkin Ernest P
Bodkin Thomas I
Bond Joyce P
Borrett Peter P
Bottomley Gordon I
Boughton Gordon P
Boult Adrian I
Boulton Matthew P
Bowes Alice P
Braban Harvey P
Bradford H. M. P
Bradley Ursula P
Brandon Wilfred E. P
Brandt Ivan I
Brandt Ivan P
Brett Glyns P
Bridges Adams W. I
Bridie James I
Briggs Hedley P
Brighouse H. I
Brindley Madge P
Bristow H. I
Broadbridge Alma P
Bromley-Davenport A. P
Brookes Dorothy P
Brooks Alfred J. P
Broughton Emily P
Brown Anne P
Brown Francis P
Brown Ivor I
Browne Dorothy P
Browne Laidman I
Browne Laidman P
Browne Laidman *
Browning H. P
Bruce Brenda I
Bruce Brenda P
Bruce Toni P
Brueton Dorothy P
Brunton W. P
Bryant Mary P
Bryce Margery P
Bull Stuart P
Bunn Alfred I
Burbage Madge P
Burgham Dorothy P
Burke Patricia F
Burke Patricia I
Burman Joan P
Burman Nancy I
Burnard Awdry P
Burnham Edward I
Burnham Edward P
Burns Thomas P
Burton A. P
Burtwell Frederick P
Butler Richard I
Butler Richard P
Butt Hugh E. P
Butterfield Joan P
Byrne Bibby F
Byrne Cecily I
Byrne Cecily P
Byrne J. Adrian P
Byrne Nancy P
Byrne Stafford I
Byrt Dorothy P
Cadell Jean I
Caine Henry P
Caithness Wilfred P
Caldicott Annette P
Caldicott Richard I
Caldicott Richard P
Camberian Stella P
Cameron Barrie I
Cameron Barrie P
Campbell Jean I
Cannan Gilbert P
Capek Karel I
Carew James P
Carey Noel P
Carleton-Crow C. W. P
Carlton Grace I
Carlton Jack P
Carme Pamela P
Carmichael Coralie P
Carol Helen P
Carr Daphne P
Carson Charles I
Carson Charles P
Carson Francis P
Carter Neil I
Carter Neil P
Carvel Eva P
Cass Henry P
Casson Lewis I
Castor Chris P
Caswell Samuel P
Catley Gwen P
Cavanagh Cathleen P
Cavanagh Paul P
Cellier Marguerite P
Chamberlain Joseph I
Chamberlain Neville I
Chambers William P
Chandler C. J. P
Chapin Harold P
Chapman Edward P
Chapman Marjorie P
Chappell Harry P
Chappell William P
Chard Marjorie P
Charlier June P
Chatwin Margaret I
Chatwin Margaret P
Chawner Mary P
Cheshire Hilda P
Chesmond Bligh P
Chester Betty P
Childe G. Mantle I
Childs C. B. P
Churchman Andrew P
Clare Francis P
Claremont Arthur P
Clarence B. I
Claridge Norman I
Claridge Norman P
Clark E. Bellendon P
Clark Enid P
Clark Freda P
Clark Percival P
Clark-Smith Douglas P
Clayton Donald P
Clements Herbert B. P
Clerco Florence le P
Clewlow Frank P
Clews Lorraine P
Clifford John I
Clifford John P
Clunes Alec I
Cole Jean P
Coleman B. B. P
Coleman Wilson P
Coles Leslie P
Collison Irene P
Connor Kenneth P
Conway Alban P
Conyer Herbert P
Cook D. P
Cook Vera P
Cooke S. N. I
Cooper Betty I
Cooper Betty P
Cooper Frederick P
Cooper G. Melville I
Cooper G. Melville P
Cooper Stewart P
Coote Robert P
Cope Doris P
Cope Herbert P
Corbett Leonard P
Corbett Leonora I
Corfield Alfred P
Corfield Joyce P
Cotter Derek P
Cottrell Dora P
Coward Noel I
Coward Noel P
Cowper Frank P
Crane Victor P
Cranmer Arthur P
Crawshaw Fred P
Creswell Peter P
Crier Gordon P
Crombie Oliver P
Crompton Doris P
Crowe Carlton P
Cryer W. N. P
Culff Howieson P
Cullum Charles P
Culver Ronald P
Cunliff Joyce P
Cunningham G. D. I
Cunnison Daphne P
Curnock Richard I
Currie Clive P
Curwen Patrick P
D’Abreu A. L. P
D’Abreu Alphonsus P
D’Abreu F. A. P
D’Abreu Josephine P
D’Albie Julian I
D’Albie Julian P
Dale James I
Dalgliesh Olga P
Dams Geoffrey P
Dane E. S. P
Danetree Kathleen P
Daniel Rita P
Dare Laurie P
Darling J. S. P
Darling Lewis L. P
Darlington W. A. I
Davey Nulla I
Davidson Eric P
Davies David I
Davies Edna P
Davies Howell P
Davies Leonore P
Davis Claude P
Davis Frances P
Davis Irene P
Davis Ronald P
Davis Stringer P
Davison John I
Dawes C. R. C. I
Dawson Forbes P
De Lacy Louise P
De Lara Georgie P
De Marney Derrick I
De Vigne Rex P
Dean Marie P
Dear Pamela P
Denis Frank P
Denis John P
Dennis Ernest P
Dennis John I
Dennis John P
Des Voeux Ivy I
Des Voeux Ivy P
Desborough Philip P
Desmond Ann P
Desmond May P
Dexter William P
Dickens Dorothy P
Dilworth David P
Dixon Cecile P
Doble Francis P
Dobree Bonamy I
Dodd Joseph A. P
Donat Robert I
Donat Robert P
D’Orsay Dorothy P
Douglas W. J. P
Dove Thelma P
Drake Francis P
Draycott Eileen I
Draycott Eileen P
Drewitt Stanley I
Drewitt Stanley P
Drinkwater Daisy Kennedy F
Drinkwater John F
Drinkwater John I
Drinkwater John P
Dudley Margaret P
Dudley Sara P
Duff Terence P
Dukes Ashley  
Dukes Dorothy P
Dukes Kay P
Dunkley Marion P
Dunn Geoffrey I
Dunn Lionel P
Dunn Mary I
Dunn Peggy P
Dunn-Yarker John P
Dutton Mabel P
Duval Charles P
Duxbury Elspeth I
Duxbury Elspeth P
Dyall Franklin I
Dyer Gavin I
Dyer Gavin P
Eames Mary P
Easton Philip P
Easton Reuben P
Eaton Colin P
Ebourne Leonard P
Eccles Donald I
Eccles Donald P
Eccles Janet P
Eddy Cecilia P
Edgar Frank P
Edgar Percy I
Edgar Percy P
Edmiston Alan P
Edmonds Frank P
Edwards Alan P
Edwards Bertram P
Edwards H. V. P
Edwards Mavis P
Edwin Lucy P
Element May P
Eley Robert P
Elgar Edward I
Elliot Eric P
Ellis Kenneth P
Ellison Joan P
Ellison John I
Ellison John P
Elliston Robert William I
Elmes Edgar P
Elstob Amy P
Embley Kenneth P
Emery Shelagh P
England Daisy P
English Mary P
Enthoven Gabrielle I
Erskine Valentine P
Ervine St. John I
Evans Dorothy I
Evans Dorothy P
Evans Dorothy *
Evans Edith I
Evans Edith P
Evans Leonard P
Evans Robert P
Evelyn Lucy P
Evelyn Nina P
Evennett Wallace P
Everall Yvonne P
Everest Barbara P
Evers Olive P
Everton Gertrude P
Evette Yvonne P
Eyre Charmian P
Faber Faith P
Farren Nellie I
Fawdrey C. P
Fay Frank I
Fay Frank P
Fay W. G. I
Feeney John I
Feilden-Kaye Beatrice P
Fernbach Helmar P
Ffrangcon-Davies Gwen I
Ffrangcon-Davies Gwen P
Field Violet P
Fielding Henry P
Fields Gracie I
Filmer A. E. I
Filmer A. E. P
Filmer Beatrice P
Finlay Donald P
Firth Ivan P
Fisher Kitty P
Fitzmaurice Geraldine P
Fletcher Wilfred P
Flewitt Gerard P
Flint Margaret P
Flint Thomas Foden P
Forbes-Robertson J. I
Forbes-Robertson Jean I
Forbes-Robertson Muriel P
Ford Henry P
Fordred Dorice P
Forsyth Matthew I
Forty Gerald I
Foster Frank P
Foster Mildred H. P
Fothergill John P
Fox Clifford P
Fox Edward P
Fox Lee I
Fox Lee P
France Mabel I
France Mabel P
Francis Barbara I
Francis Barbara P
Francis Molly P
Frank Bruno I
Franklin-White Audrey P
Fraser Dennis P
Fraser Kenneth P
Fraser Leslie P
Fraser Mrs. Kennedy I
French Harold P
French Peter P
Frere Christopher P
Frost Philip P
Fuller Helen P
Gabain Marjorie P
Galleon George P
Gardiner Cyril I
Gardiner Cyril P
Garrad Audrey P
Garson Greer I
Garson Greer(Eileen) P
Gaskin Margaret P
Gatty Reginald P
Gay G. Hamilton P
Gaye Freda P
Gee Ann P
Gee Hugh P
Geeve William P
George Frank P
Gheon Henri I
Gibbons N. H. P
Gibbs Doris P
Gielgud John I
Gielgud Val I
Gifford Stacey L. P
Gilbert Ida P
Gilby A. P
Giles Marie Jose P
Gill David P
Gill Maud I
Gill Maud P
Gillam Graham P
Giombault Odette P
Gledhill Eric P
Glover Patrick P
Glover Viola P
Glynn Jeannette P
Godby Gladys P
Godfrey Jon P
Goode Kenneth P
Goodey Tom P
Goodyer Percy P
Gordon Basil P
Gordon Charles P
Gordon Donald I
Gordon Donald P
Gordon John P
Gordon-Hall Freda P
Goss John P
Gosse Reginald P
Gough Muriel P
Gould Vera P
Gover Patrick P
Graham Claude P
Graham Evelyn P
Graham Robin P
Graham Joseph I.  
Granger Stewart I
Granger Stuart P
Grant William P
Grantham Barbara P
Granville-Barker H. I
Gray Alfred P
Gray Harold I
Greaves Harold P
Green Dorothy I
Green Dorothy P
Green Paddy I
Green Paddy P
Green Pearl P
Green R. Leedham P
Gregg Herbert I
Gregg Hubert P
Grein J. T I
Grein J. T. (Mrs) F
Grew Joyce P
Grice L. Palmer P
Grien J. T. F
Griffith Doris P
Griffith Owen P
Griffiths W. P
Grimsdale Margaret P
Groom Sydney P
Groome Stanley P
Grosvenor Edward P
Groves Charles I
Growcott F. R. P
Gudrun Mayer F
Guest Kathleen P
Gurney Rachel I
Gurney Rachel P
Gwynne Prudence P
Hackett Erlene P
Haines Ernest P
Haines W. Ribton P
Hale Florence P
Hale Johnson P
Halford-Foster Muriel P
Halfpenny Tony P
Hall Dorothy I
Hall Dorothy P
Halstan Margaret I
Halstan Margaret P
Hambling Arthur P
Hamilton Julian P
Hammond Ronald P
Hampton Gladys P
Hancock Donald P
Hand Sheerman P
Hannen Nicholas I
Harcourt Leslie P
Hardeman George P
Hardwicke Cedric I
Hardwicke Cedric P
Hardy Charles P
Hardy Cherry P
Hardy W. J. P
Hare Jennifer P
Hare Winifred P
Harely W. J. P
Hargroves Maud P
Harley Peggy P
Harlston Marjorie P
Harmer Doris P
Harper Estelle P
Harper Margery P
Harris Robert I
Harris Robert P
Harris Vernon I
Harris Vernon P
Harrison Beatrice I
Harrison John P
Harvey Gladys P
Hatton Clive P
Hatton Mary P
Haycock H. P
Haydon Florence P
Hayes Eileen P
Hayes George P
Hayte Brian P
Hayter James I
Hayter James P
Haywood William I
Hazeldine Ivy P
Hazlehurst Marjorie I
Healey B. J. I
Heard Daphne I
Heard Daphne P
Heard Ernest J. P
Hearne Alfred P
Heath Joan I
Heath Joan P
Heath Rosalie P
Heaton Jeanne P
Hedges Charles P
Heilbronn William I
Heilbronn William P
Hemming R. P
Hempseed Basil I
Henderson Frank P
Henderson Wills P
Hengist H. C. P
Henman Walter I
Henschke Alfred I
Henslowe Philip I
Herbert Jean P
Heseltine William P
Hesketh-Wright U. P
Heward Leslie I
Hewitt Muriel P
Heyhoe Bertram I
Heyhoe Bertram P
Hibbert Geoffrey I
Hill James P
Hill Richard P
Hiller Wendy I
Hillier Rebe P
Hindle Winifred P
Hobbs Carleton I
Hobbs Carleton P
Hodkinson Michael P
HolIes Philip P
HolIes Phillip I
Holland Leslie P
Hollingdale James P
Holloway W. E. I
Hollway Ernest P
Holmes Robert P
Holmes-Gore Dorothy P
Homewood A. S. P
Homewood Gertrude P
Hood Margaret I
Hood Margaret P
Hood Noel P
Hook Joan P
Hope Evelyn P
Horder Barbara P
Hordern Charles P
Horniman A. (Miss) I
Houlston Yvonne P
Housley Marie P
Housman Laurence I
Houston Donald I
Howard Andree P
Howard J. P
Howard May P
Howard Philip P
Howe George I
Howe George P
Howes Harold P
Howland Alan P
Huband Jocelyn P
Huband Jocelyn I
Hubbard Lorna P
Hubert A. P
Hudd Walter I
Hudd Walter P
Humphreyes Una P
Humphreys Griffith I
Humphreys Whitmore P
Humphries Bruce P
Humphryes Betty P
Hunt Leonard P
Hunter Paget P
Huntley Raymond I
Huntley Raymond P
Hurnall Sinclair P
Huxley Aldous I
Hyatt Eric P
Hyde Mariette P
Ibsen H. I
Illsley Stanley P
Imeson Ernest P
Ingham Stella P
Irving Elsie P
Irving Henry I
Irwin Felix I
Irwin Felix P
Isham Virginia P
Isherwood Christopher I
Izard Winifred P
Izons Thomas P
Jack Stephen P
Jackson Barry V. I
Jackson Barry V. P
Jackson George I
Jackson Harold P
Jackson Sara I
Jackson Sir Barry F
James Geoffrey P
Jeans Angela P
Jenkins G. P
Jennings Howard P
Jenoure Ida P
Jerome Gerald P
Jerome Helen I
Jewesbury Edward P
Job Thomas I
John Rita P
Johnson C. H. P
Johnston Jean I
Johnston Oliver P
Johnstone-Douglas W. P
Joiner Gladys P
Jones A P
Jones Dudley I
Jones Dudley P
Jones Edythe M. P
Jones Elsie M. P
Jones Gladys P
Jones James P
Jones M. Paget P
Jones Phyllis P
Jones Thomas P
Jones Trout P
Jordan Arthur P
Jordan Josie P
Jordan Martha I
Joye Janet I
Joye Janet P
Kasmir Anne P
Kean Edmund I
Keen Frederick P
Keith-Johnston Colin P
Kember Iris P
Kendal May P
Kendall Mr. I
Kenmore Octavia P
Kennard Katherine P
Kennedy Margaret P
Kennedy T. J. I
Kennedy Thomas P
Kennedy-Fraser M. P
Kenrick W. Byng I
Kenton Godfrey I
Kenton Godfrey P
Kerr Ronald I
Kerr Ronald P
Kerrigan Bobbie P
Keyte Douglas P
King Alan I
King Dennis P
Kingston Gertrude P
King-Wood David I
King-Wood David P
Kirby Marjorie P
Knight Dame Laura F
Knight Eric P
Knight Harold F
Knight Harold I
Knowles Philip P
Komisarjevsky T. H. I
Kurt Bernard P
Kyasht Lydia I
Lachasse Dolores P
Lally Gwen I
Lamb Charles P
Landeau Cecil P
Lane Marjorie I
Lane Marjorie P
Lang Robert P
Langfield Terese P
Langly Ivy P
Langton Basil C. I
Langton Basil C. P
Lathbury Stanley I
Lathbury Stanley P
Lathbury Stanley *
Lauriston John P
Lauriston,]ohn I.  
Laver James I
Lawrence W. J. I
Lawson Frederica P
Lawson Wilfrid I
Layton Sidney P
Leak Joan P
Lee Gerald P
Lee Miles P
Leeke William P
Leighton Charles I
Leighton Charles P
Leighton Frank P
Leighton Margaret I
Leighton Margaret P
Leland John I.  
Lemon Irene P
Lemon Mark I
Lennan Dorothy P
Lennan Gerald P
Leon Sydney P
Leslie Fred I
Leslie Freda P
Lester Edna P
Lester Eric P
Lester Frank P
Leuw Molly P
Levy Benn W. I
Lewis Curigwen I
Lewis Curigwen P
Lewis Henry P
Lewis John P
Limbert Roy W. I
Limerick Mona P
Lind Gillian I
Lind Gillian P
Lind Jean P
Lindsay Christine P
Lindsell R. Stuart I
Linson Doris P
Little D. Muir P
Littledale Richard I
Littledale Richard P
Littler Emile I
Littler Emile P
Littler Emile *
Littlewood Gertrude P
Livesey Barrie I
Livesey Barry P
Lloyd Lala P
Lockwood Eric P
Logan Michael P
Lomas Herbert I
Longden John P
Longfield Alfred P
Lonscale Richard P
Lord Margaret P
Lovel Leigh P
Lowe Robert P
Lowry Helen I
Lowry Helen P
Lucas Leighton P
Ludolf Naomi P
Luke G. H. P
Luzzan Zelie de I
Lyel Viola P
Lynd Michael P
Lyndon Ernest P
Lynds Ernest P
Lynn Florence P
Lynton Ann P
Lyon Marjorie P
Lytton Henry I
MacDonald Gordon P
Mack T. South I
Mackay Rosie P
Mackenzie Muriel P
Mackey Beatrix P
Mackintosh Kirsty P
Mackintosh Madge P
MacSherry Josette P
Maddison Ethel P
Maddison John I
Maddison John P
Magor Prudence P
Mainzer Arthur F
Mainzer Arthur I
Mainzer Arthur P
Maitland Jack P
Maitland Mollie P
Mallalieu Aubrey P
Malleson Miles P
Maloney Sheila P
Mannering Lewin P
Manning W. J. P
Mansel Juliet P
Manson Emily P
Maravan Lila I
Maravan Lila P
March Elspeth I
March Elspeth P
Marford Charles P
Marie Clifford I
MarIe Clifford P
Markham David I
Marquand Clifford P
Marriot F. P
Marriot-Watson F. P
Mars Marjorie P
Marsh Nellie P
Marshall Anthony P
Marshall Tony F
Marson Aileen P
Martin Bevan P
Martin Brian P
Martin Walter I
Martin Walter P
Martindale C. C. I
Martineau Wilfrid I
Martin-Harvey Michael P
Marvin Mary I
Marvin Mary P
Mason Edward I
Mason Herbert P
Mason Liliall P
Massingham Dorothy I
Massingham Dorothy P
Masters Robert P
Mather Ralph P
Matthews Appleby I
Matthews Bache I
Matthews Bache P
Matthews Cyprian P
Maude Cyril I
Maude Cyril P
Maugham Somerset I
Maule Herbert P
Maund Meile P
Maunsell Charles P
Maxwell-Lyte Meg P
Mcaleod Angus P
Mcaleod David P
McBride Jean P
McBride Nancy P
McCallin Clement I
McCallin Clement P
Mccarthy Eve P
Mccarthy Lillah P
Mccorrnick John P
McKenna Dorothy P
McNally John P
McNeil William P
Menzies Norman P
Merrall Mary P
Merritt George P
Messiter Eric P
Metcalfe Joycelyn P
Micklewood Eric P
MiIIer Hugh I
Milbourne Olive P
Miles Bernard P
Miles Hilda P
Miles Hubert P
Miller Blanche P
Miller Hugh P
Milligan H. S. I
Milligan Juanita P
Milligan Wyndham P
Mills Harold P
Mills Mary P
Mills Slaine P
Milne Stephanie P
Minchin Gill P
Minnard Juanita P
Mitchell Yvonne I
Moiseiwitsch Tanya F
Molony Shelagh P
Monro Dorothy P
Montle Eric P
Moody John I
Moody John P
Moore Frank P
Moore J. H. P
Moore Joyce P
Morant Philip P
More Eve P
Morgan Charles I
Morgan Christine P
Morice Peggy P
Morris E. W. P
Morrison Diana I
Morrison Diana P
Morrow Christian P
Morton Gladys P
Morton Peggy P
Moubrey Liliall P
Mould Suzette P
Mountford-Smith Dora P
Moxey Hugh P
Moxon Alice P
Moya Natalie P
Muir Little D. P
Mullinar Michael I
Mulville Eva P
Muni Paul I
Munns Walter P
Murgatroyd Olga P
Murray Stephen I
Murray Stephen P
Napier Elsie P
Nazeby Lina P
Neale Albert P
Neale Ralph P
Neate Dione P
Needham Leonard P
Needham Olive P
Neilson John P
Nellson-Terry Phylliss I
Nelson Gwen F
Nelson Gwen P
Neville Maurice P
Nevis John P
Newstead Bertram P
Newton Daphne I
Newton Robert P
Ney F C I
Nicholls C. P
Nicholls Gordon P
Nicholls Margaret P
Nicholls Yvar P
Nicoll Allardyce I
Noble Olive P
Norfolk Edgar P
Norgate Matthew P
North Grosvenor I
North Grosvenor P
Norton Bert P
Norton Evan Ag I
Oates Cecily P
O’Brian Neil P
O’Brien Terence I
O’Brien Terence P
O’Casey Sean I
O’Day Alice P
Oldaker Max P
Olivier Laurence I
Olivier Laurence P
Omar Margaret P
O’Neill Marie I
O’Neill Marie P
Onslow Alec P
Orford Cathleen P
Ormond D. P
Osborn Frank I
Osmond Barbara P
Ottenwell C. P
Ottorino Gorno I
Owen Hugh I
Owen James P
Page Norman P
Page Sylvia P
Pain Elsie P
Painter Toni P
Palmer John P
Parker Alma P
Parker Denne P
Parker Joy I
Parker Joy P
Parkin Percival P
Parr E. W. P
Parry Richard P
Pascal Gabriel I
Pateman Robert P
Path Robert P
Patman Doris P
Patrick Gordon P
Patterson John P
Pay Hilary P
Payne Douglas P
Payne Winfred E. P
Pearson Laura P
Pearson Lloyd P
Peck Neale P
Pee Daisy P
Pelham Meta P
Pemberton Harry I
Pemberton Harry P
Pendrell William P
Percheron Betty P
Percy Phillis P
Perkins Ivy P
Perks Dorothy P
Permain Fred P
Peters Dorothy P
Pettingell Frank I
Phillips Cyril I
Phillips Cyril P
Phillips F. B. P
Phillips John I
Phillips John P
Phillips Norma P
Phillips W. J. P
Phillips W. S. P
Phillott Gordon I
Phillott Gordon P
Phillpotts Adelaide I
Phillpotts Eden I
Pickard Helena I
Pickard Helena P
Pickard Lily P
Pickard Marjorie P
Pienne Yvette I
Pienne Yvette P
Pike Guy P
Pilditch Leonard P
Pinchard Arnold I
Pinchard Betty P
Pinchard Lester I
Playfair Nigel I
Pohl Julius I
Pollock Ellen I
Pollock Ellen P
Pollock Mary P
Poole Joyce P
Pope Marion P
Porter Alma P
Potter Ada P
Poultney Willoughby P
Powell David I
Powell David P
Powell Dorothy P
Powell May P
Powell Robert P
Pratt E. W. P
Prentice H. M. I
Prentlce Derek P
Preston Carr P
Preston D. P
Preston Thomas P
Price David P
Price Nancy I
Priestley J. B. I
Pringle William P
Prodger James P
Pyott Keith P
Quayle Douglas I
Quayle Douglas P
Rabogi Sisters I
Raby Mary P
Radcliffe Florence P
Radford Basil I
Rae John P
Rae Thelma P
Raikes Raymond P
Rainsley Leslie P
Randall Edna P
Randell Frank P
Randon Darrell P
Raphael Oliver P
Rea Thelma P
Rea William J. P
Rea William J
Rea William P
Reader Winirred P
Reed W. H. I
Rees William P
Reeve Percy P
Rehan Ada I
Reid Alan I
Reid Allan P
Reid Phyllis P
Relph Phyllis P
Renner Sidney P
Renshaw Jack P
Reynolds Alfred I
Reynolds Edith P
Rhead Alan P
Rhodes Percy P
Rhodes R. Crompton I
Rhondda Lady I
Rice Elmer I
Rice Lillian P
Richard Peter I
Richards Betty P
Richards Mary P
Richardson Myrtle I
Richardson Myrtle P
Richardson Ralph I
Richardson Ralph P
Richmond Susan I
Richmond Susan P
Ridley Arnold P
Ridley Arthur I
Ridley Arthur P
Rivenhall Fred P
Roberts Dennis P
Roberts Evelyn P
Roberts Fred P
Roberts Nancy P
Roberts Oswald Dale I
Roberts Oswald Dale P
Roberts Trevor P
Robertson Charles Grant I
Robertson James P
Robertson Norman P
Robey Joyce P
Robinson Alan I
Robinson Alan P
Robinson Mabel P
Robinson Percy P
Robinson Ruth P
Robson Fred P
Rock Raymond P
Rodway Philip I
Roe Dan F. P
Roe Fred P
Rogers O. P
Roland J. L. F. P
Roma Philip P
Romaine Betty P
Rose Arthur C. P
Ross Duncan I
Ross Edna P
Ross Eric P
Ross Frederick P
Ross Patrick I
Ross Patrick P
Ross-Campbell Frances I
Ross-Campbell Francis P
Rosser L. V. P
Rous Helen P
Rowe P. G. P
Rowell Robert P
Roxley Roland P
Roy Walter P
Royston Marie P
Royston Roy P
Rudder Dennis P
Rushton G. W. I
Russell Desideria P
Russell Stephen P
Russell Wensley P
Ruxby R. P
Ryland Edith P
Saffery Gerald P
Saintsbury Helen P
Salaman Chattie I
Salberg Derek I
Salberg Leon I
Sammons Albert I
Sandwich Earl of F
Sarner Alexander P
Saul S. P
Scaire Gillian P
Scott David P
Scott Elizabeth P
Scott Margaretta I
Selbourne Clive P
Selwyn Archie P
Sennett Harry P
Seth Brenda P
Sewell Mimi P
Seyler Athene I
Shammon Noel P
Shand Eileen P
Shand Phyllis I
Shand Phyllis P
Sharp Farquharson I
Sharp William P
Shaw David P
Shaw G. B. I
Shaw George Bernard F
Shaw Ivan P
Sheil Laurence P
Shelving Paul F
Shelving Paul I
Shepherd A. H. P
Sheppard Altone P
Sheppard Marshall P
Sheridan Mary I
Sheridan R. B. I
Sherwood R. E. I
Shew Joan P
Shilbeck Oswald P
Shirley Dorine P
Short David P
Shustary Jasmine P
Siddong Mrs. I
Siddons Helena P
Sidney Henry P
Sidney Ronald P
Silk Edward P
Silver Christine P
Sim Alastair I
Simmonds Herbert P
Simpson Brian P
Simpson Mercer I
Simpson Peter P
Sims Hilda P
Sivyer Eric P
Skilbeck Oswald P
Slade Peter P
Smallwood Peter I
Smallwood Peter P
Smart Ernest P
Smet Robert de F
Smith Beryl P
Smith Charles P
Smith James P
Smith Joan Pat P
Smith Maurice P
Smith Nettie C. P
Smith Sydney P
Smlth Sebastlan P
Smythe Paul P
Snell Frank P
Souper Gerald Kay I
Southern A. E. P
Spall Hilda P
Spencer Gladys P
Spencer Marion I
Spencer Penelope P
Sprawley F. G. P
Spreadborough Jane I
Springett Vincent P
St. John Lily P
Stacey E. Gifford P
Stacey Monica I
Stacey Monica P
Stafford Altona P
Standfast Peter I
Standrast Peter P
Stanley Eric P
Staples Nancy P
Statham Arthur P
Stayton Norris P
Stephenson Paul I
Stephenson Paul P
Sterling Muriel I
Stern G. B. I
Sterroll Gertrude P
Stevenson Pat P
Stewart Charles P
Stewart Sophie I
Stewart Sophie P
Stewer Jan I
Stewer Jan P
Stone Henry P
Store John P
Storelli Marie P
Storie Henderson P
Stracham Ernest P
Strickland Frank S. P
Stringer Leslie P
Strueli Peter P
Stuart Ernest P
Stuart Graham I
Stuart Graham P
Stuart Irvon P
Stuart Olwen P
Sturrock Jean S. P
Suckling Minnie P
Suddaby Elsie P
Sugerman Sara P
Sullivan Barry I
Sunderland Irvon P
Sunderland Scott F
Sunderland Scott I
Sunderland Scott P
Sweden Morris I
Swinley Ion I
Swinley Ion P
Sylvaine Vernon P
Sylvame Vernon I
Tandy H. Victor P
Tandy Jessica P
Tandy Victor I
Tangly Jessie P
Tate Reginald I
Tate Reginald P
Tauber Richard I
Taylor Dorothy P
Taylor Peggy I
Taylor Peggy P
Taylor Ruth I
Taylor Ruth P
Taylor Valerie P
Tearle Godfrey I
Tebbs Isabel P
Thesiger Ernest I
Thesiger Ernest P
Thierry Georgette P
Thirlwell George P
Thomas Henry P
Thomas S. Rochelle P
Thomas Walter P
Thompson Aubrey P
Thompson H. Worrall P
Thompson Leonard P
Thompson Roland P
Thomson R. P
Thomton Isabel I
Thorndike Sybil I
Thornton Isabel P
Thurston Temple I
Tibbetts Phyllis P
Tickle Frank P
Tilley Vesta I
Ting Wu P
Tinley Mary P
Tinson John P
Tiptaft Norman I
Titterton Frank P
Todd Joe P
Todd Kathryn P
Tomkinson Leonard P
Tomlinson Noel P
Tottenham Edmund P
Toyne Gabriel P
Toyne Geoffrey P
Tranter H. P
Tremayne Dennis P
Trenchard Madge P
Trollope Leonard P
Trotter Alan P
Trouncer Cecil I
Turleigh Veronica P
Turner Arthur P
Turner Dorothy I
Turner Dorothy P
Turner Eve P
Turner Evelyn P
Turner J. H. P
Turner John I
Turner Walter P
Turrell John I
Turrell John P
Twyman Frank P
Twyman Jack I
Twyman Jack P
Tyrrel John P
Tyrrel Rose P
Tyrrell Geoffrey P
Tyrrell Gerard P
Udale Stasier P
Valk Frederick I
Van Druten John I
Van Melene Kaal P
Vanbrugh Irene I
Vanbrugh Irene P
Vanbrugh John I
Vanderfelt H. M. P
Vanderlyn Veronica P
Vane Cyril P
Vane Gerald P
Vane Hilda P
Varden Norma P
Vasco Aldra P
Vaughan Kathleen P
Vaughan Milton P
Vaughton Janet P
Velasco Lalla De P
Veness Amy I
Veness Amy P
Vere John P
Verney Guy P
Vernon C. P
Vernon Dorothy P
Vezin Herman I
Victor Charles F
Victor Charles I
Victor Charles P
Victor Frederick P
Vilven Stanley P
Vincent Eric W. I
Vinden E. Stuart P
Vinden Stuart I
Vines Margaret P
Voice H. P
Vosper Ann P
Vosper Frank P
Waddington Patrick P
Wainwright Fay P
Waiters Rex P
Walker Margaret P
Walker Martin P
Walker Mavis I
Walker Mavis P
Walker Peggy P
Wall Dorothy P
Wallace M. P
Walpole Hugh I
Walton J. P
Warburton Charles P
Ward Doreen P
Ward Eileen P
Ward G. P
Ware Joyce I
Ware Joyce P
Ware Valentine I
Ware Valentine P
Wassell Richard I
Waters Russell I
Waters Russell P
Waters Tom P
Watford James P
Watkins Doris P
Watkins F. A. P
Watkyn Arthur I
Watts Horace P
Watts-Tye Ernest P
Wayne Richard P
Webb Alan I
Webb Allan Bourne P
Webb Madeline P
Webble Winifred P
Wellings Joan P
Wells Douglas P
Welsh Jane P
Wentworth Horace P
West H. Lockwood P
Westcott Netta P
Weston Daisy P
Weston Selwyn P
Whale James P
Wheatleigh Edward P
Wheble Winifred P
Wheeler Benn P
Whybrow G. P
Wickstead Kenneth P
Wigley Leonard P
Wilcoxon Henry I
Wilcoxon Henry P
Wilfrid Dean Basill I
Wilkie Allan P
Wilkinson Geoffrey P
Willard Winifred P
Willetts William P
Williams Charles I
Williams Clive P
Williams Harcourt I
Williams Harcourt P
Williams Mary I
Williams Mary P
Willington Alec P
Willington Constance P
Willoughby George P
Willson Osmund P
Wilson Dover I
Wilson Laura P
Wilson Norma P
Windle Winifred P
Winfield Jack P
Wolfit Donald I
Wones Mary P
Wontner Hilary I
Wontner Hilary P
Wood Aileen P
Wood Edward P
Wood Georgie I
Wood Henry I
Wood Melusine P
Wood Vera P
Woodville A. Caton I
Woodville A. Caton P
Woolcote Bertha P
Worsley William P
Wray George S. P
Wray Maxwell I
Wright Harold W. P
Wright Hugh E. I
Wright Hugh E. P
Wrigley Barbara P
Wynne Ormonde P
Yates Joseph P
Yeats Richard I
Yorke Marguerita P
Young Donald P
Young Harold P
Young Violet P