Details of the Accident

Place Blackrock, Cork, Ireland
Date Saturday 20th May 1848
Railway Company Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway
No. of Fatalities 2
Cause of Accident Landslip
Description Whilst engaged in excavating the line, having undermined a bank earth too much, it fell burying three men, two of which died.

Sources/Further Reading

  • Cork Examiner, 22nd May 1848
  • Cork Examiner, 23rd May 1848

List of Fatalities

The 2 fatalities are listed in the table below together with brief notes of any other information found so far.

The last column shows the General Register Office (England and Wales), Statutory Register (Scotland), General Register Northern Ireland or Civil Registration for Ireland reference where this has been identified.

Surname First Names Age Occupation Residence Notes GRO/SR/GRONI/GROIE Reference
CONNELLThomasRailway construction worker, Died of injuries
MAHONYDanielRailway construction worker,