Maresfield and Nutley

From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

MARESFIELD is a large and scattered parish, 2 miles north from Uckfield railway station, and 11 south-east from East Grinstead, in the Eastern division of the county. Rushmonden hundred, Uckfield union, Pevensey rape, and rural deanery, Lewes county court district and archdeaconry, and diocese of Chichester. The church of St. Bartholomew is a neat Gothic stone building, it has nave, chancel, and well proportioned tower with 6 bells: portions of a much older church are visible in the chancel. The register commences in 1538. The living is a rectory. annual value £645, with residence, in the gift of Charles Salisbury Butler Esq., and held since 1837, by the Rev. Edward Turner, M.A., of Balliol College, Oxford; the Rev. Thomas Richard Turner, of Queen’s College, Oxford, is curate. Here is a National school. Maresfield Park is half a mile north: the house is an ancient building of brick in the Elizabethan style, situated in an extensive domain, the seat and property of the Rev. Sir Fredc. Shelley, Bart. Pippingford Park is the residence of John Mortimer, Esq., Forest Lodge, of Capt. Noble; and Twyford Abbey, of Robert Trotter, Esq. This parish is noted for its extensive nursery and flower gardens, carried on by Messrs. W. Wood and Son at Woodlands and Mr. James Mitchell at Piltdown: Mr. Mitchell is celebrated for all the new and choicest roses, and for the finest specimens of Araucaria imbricate in England; all the choicest Conifers, are here to be found in free and healthy growth. There are also brick works, water and steam flour mills, &c. Viscount Gage is lord of the manor. Area 7,750 acres, a great portion of which is woods and forest land; the population in 1861 was 1,911.

Parish Clerk (Maresfield), William Hobden.

NUTLEY is a small village and ecclesiastical district, 3 miles north from the parish church, and 8 south from East Grinstead. The church of St. James was erected in 1848: it is a neat stone building, consisting of nave and chancel. The living is a perpetual curacy, yearly value £125, in the gift of the rector of Maresfield, and held by the Rev. William Horace Hutchins, M.A., of Queen’s College, Oxford.. Here is a small school, under the superintendence of the Rev. W, H. and Mrs. Hutchins. The steam saw mills, brick works, and timber yards of W. Turner and Sons are in this parish.

Parish Clerk (Nutley), John Thorpe.

POST OFFICE.- Thomas Durrant, receiver. Letters arrive from Uckfield at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7.10 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Uckfield

POST OFFICE, Nutley.- William Turner & Sons, receivers. Letters arrive from Uckfield at 8 a.m., dispatched at 6,20 p.m.

INSURANCE AGENT:- Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, Thomas Durrant

National, Mrs. Lucy Knight, mistress
Infants’, Mrs. Isaacs, mistress
Village, Ford’s green, William Farns, master
Church, Nutley, Miss Harriet Read, mistress

CARRIER.- Richard Crowhurst, to East Grinstead, monday & wednesday, & to Lewes, every friday, from his own house at Nutley

Barchard Elphinstone, esq. Duddleswell
Cook Mr. George, Fairwarp
English Mr. Wm. Heywood, Holly lodge
Henniker Capt. Frederick, Pippingford
Hutchins Rev. Wm. Horace, M.A. Nutley
Jones John, esq. Nutley court
Mortimer John, esq. Pippingford park
Noble Capt. William, J.P. Forest lodge
Shelley Rev. Sir Frederic, bart. Maresfield park
Trotter Robert, esq. Twyford abbey
Turner Rev. Edward, M.A. Rectory
Turner Rev. Thomas Richard, M.A. Rectory
Whitewood Mr. John, Black house

Abbey John. land steward to Sir J. V. Shelley, bart. Maresfield park
Avery Allen, miller, Forest mill, Nutley
Card Richard, blacksmith, Nutley
Carr Chas. farmer, Stonemead, Nutley
Carr Harry, farmer, Nutley down
Coleman John, wheelwright
Crowhurst Richard, shopkeeper & carrier, Nutley
Curd Samuel, shoe maker
Durrant Thomas, grocer & draper, post office
Daniel William, blacksmith
Evenden William, butcher
Feldwick Edward, carpenter, Nutley
Fenner James, blacksmith, Nutley
Fleet Robert, farrier & shoeing smith
Foster Thomas, wheelwright, Nutley
Gibbs Geo. farmer, Courtlands, Nutley
Goldsmith Thomas, Chequers commercial inn, & farmer
Hall James, saddler & harness maker
Hickmott Harry Edwin Timothy, farmer, auctioneer & appraiser, Gate House frm
Hill John, miller, Maresfield water & steam mills
Hobden Thomas, wheelwright
Hobden William, shoe maker
Kemsley Henry, boot & shoe maker
Knight Thomas James, wheelwright &c.
Lewry Thos. farmer & grocer, Ford’s grn
Marchant Charles, beer retailer
Mitchell James, nurseryman & florist, Piltdown nursery
Osborn Thomas, farmer, Fairwarp
Osborn William, farmer, Maskett’s farm
Page Charles, Nutley inn, & farmer
Page Edward, farmer, Brazier’s farm
Penfold Berrick, farmer, White House farm, Duddleswell
Piper Thomas, grocer
Ray Richard, farmer, Marshalls
Reed Alfred, beer retailer, Nutley
Ridley Sylvanus, farmer, Misbourns frm
Smith John, brick & tile maker
Stallwood John, plumber, painter & glazier & beer retailer
Taylor Lucy (Mrs.), beer retailer, Forest
Taylor William, grocer, Nutley
Turner James, farmer, Lambpool farm
Turner William & Sons, timber & coal merchants, grocers & drapers, brick & tile makers & nurserymen, Nutley
Tyler Samuel, blacksmith
Verrall John Traiton, grocer & draper
Walter Louisa (Mrs.), farmer & dogwood dealer, Summervale farm
Walter Walter, grocer & flour dealer
Warner Edward, shoe maker
Weller Thomas, beer retailer, Nutley
Whitewood John, land & estate agent, Black house
Wilden William, farmer, Nutle
Wildish Wm. relieving officer & registrar
Wood Wm. & Son, nurserymen, seedsmen & florists, Woodlands nursery
Wood James, beer retailer, Piltdown
Wood James, farmer, Marlpits farm