From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
BATTLE is an ancient parish, market and union town, and polling place for the Eastern division of the county, 56 miles from London, on the road to Hastings, 8 north-west from Hastings, and gives name to the hundred and union, in the rape and county court district of Hastings, diocese of Chichester, archdeaconry of Lewes, and deanery of Dallington. It was anciently called Epiton, but derived its present title from the celebrated Battle of Hastings, fought here in 1066, for the English crown, by Harold II, and William the Norman, in which King Harold and his brother Gurth were slain. Battle stands near a range of hills, which formed the battle ground. Battle Abbey, now the seat of the Duke of Cleveland, was founded on the scene of the battle by William the Norman, and dedicated to St. Martin: here many illustrious personages are buried, among whom are several members of the Echingham family: in the Abbey was preserved the celebrated Battle Abbey Roll, which formed a list of those families which came over with William the Norman: the great hall is ancient and remarkable for its timber roof; it is 57 feet in length, the same in height, and 31 feet wide: the gate-house, or entrance from the town, is also deserving of observation; it directly fronts the street from the London road; it is a tower, about 35 feet square and 54 feet high, comprising three stories, with an octagon turret at each angle; it is thought to have been erected somewhere about the time of Edward III., when the abbey was enclosed and fortified; it is one of the most perfect specimens of monastic gatehouses in the kingdom: the ruins of the abbey cover three sides of a square: there are nine elegant arches remaining of the Abbey church. The market day is on the second Tuesday in each month, and there are fairs on Whit-Monday and 22nd November, much frequented for cattle and pedlery, and a sheep fair on the 6th September. The county police court and station, which was erected in 1861, is a handsome range of building, situated at the junction of the London and Lewes roads, at the entrance to the town; the building consists of court room, witnesses’ room, guardroom for the reception of prisoners, and superintendent’s office, which is also used as a retiring room for the magistrates; six cells, and an airing yard; there are also good residences for the superintendent, one sergeant, and one constable. Petty sessions are held here the second and fourth Tuesday in each month. The church of St. Mary was founded by Ralph, who was Abbot of Battle from 1107 to 1124: it consists of a nave chancel, two aisles, and square embattled tower 70 feet high: the font is a good specimen of the Norman style, and has every appearance of being as old as the foundation: beneath the chancel is a spacious vault, in which the remains of the Webster family are deposited: here are some ancient brasses, fine painted glass, and several monuments, one to Sir Anthony Browne, K.G., Master of the Horse to Henry VIII., who died in 1548. The register dates from about 1475. The living is a deanery and vicarage, gross yearly value £738 14s. 10d., with residence, in the gift of the Duke of Cleveland: the Very Rev. Edward Neville Crake, M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge, is the dean and vicar. The Battle Cemetery, which is situated below the National school; to the east of the Lower Lake was opened in April, 1862: it comprises 2½ acres of prettily laid-out ground, with two chapels. The Battle division of the county police comprises a superintendent, two sergeants, and twelve constables. The Commissioners of Income and Assessed Taxes meet at the George hotel. In the neighbourhood are gunpowder mills, upon an extensive scale, worked by Messrs. Charles Laurence and Son.
Parish Clerk, Henry Longley.
NETHERFIELD, which gives name to a hundred, is a hamlet of Battle, where a new church has been erected for the accommodation of the inhabitants of that distant part of the parish. The church of St. John the Baptist, together with the parsonage and schools, was completed in the year 1860: the whole was built and endowed by Sarah Lady Webster, in memory of her late husband, Sir Godfrey Webster, Bart., of Battle Abbey. The church was designed by Mr. S.S. Teulon, of London, and is a beautiful edifice: in the chancel are four painted windows, the east one being the memorial window: there is also a very handsome carved stone and marble reredos. The living is in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. Robert Richard Duke, LL.B., of Caius College, Cambridge. Quarry Hill, the seat of Samuel Carter Esq., by whom it was erected is delightfully situated on the hill to the south of the town, commanding beautiful views of the Abbey and surrounding country; the adjacent grounds are varied and pleasing. Hemingfold, the residence of John Henry Wagner, Esq, J.P., is prettily situated in grounds beautifully laid out. The hundred of Battle consists a franchise, and the inhabitants are exempt from service on juries for the county. The union of Battle consists of fourteen parishes, viz:- Ashburnham, Battle, Bexhill, Brightling, Catsfield, Crowhurst, Dallington, Ewhurst, Hollington, Mountfield, Penshurst, Sedlescombe, Westfield, and Whatlington. The Union Workhouse will contain 400 inmates, in addition to the officers. The guardians meet once every fortnight at the board room. The population of the union was 12,669 at the census of 1861. The parish contains 7,880 acres, had a population in 1861 of 3,293, and with the parish of Whatlington constitutes the hundred of Battle.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- Thomas Dunn, postmaster. Letters arrive from London & other parts at 2.3 a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 11.20 p.m. Box closes at 10 p.m. but letters can be posted till 10.45 p.m. with an extra stamp. London day mail dispatched at 12.15 noon. Letters arrive from Folkestone, Hythe, Rye, Romney & Hastings, at 11.20 p.m.; dispatched at 2.3 a.m. A post to Sidley, Sedlescombe, Westfield, Ashburnham, Crowhurst, Hooe, Ninfield & Catsfield at 6 a.m.
Thomas Papillon esq. Crowhurst park
Philip Oxenden Papillon, esq. Crowhurst park
Boyce Harvey Combe, esq. Oaklands, Westfield
Hercules Brabazon Brabazon, esq. Oaklands, Westfield
William Rushton Adamson, esq. Rushton park, Mountfield
Edward Christopher Egerton, esq. M.P., Mountfield court
John Henry Wagner, esq. Hemingfold Owen John Augustus Fuller Meyrick, esq. Bodorgan, Anglesea
Charles Hay Frewen, esq. Coghurst hall, Ore
Thomas Brassey, jun. esq. Beauport
Clerk, Charles Sheppard, esq.
Accidental Death, Henry G. F. Wells, 68 High street
Atlas Fire & Life, James Burgess
Caledonian Fire & Life, Charles Robert Amoore
County Fire & Life, Francis William Ticehurst
Crown Life, Henry G. F. Wells, 68 High street
Equitable Fire & Life, William Weller
General Fire & Life, John Foord
Guardian, John Runnacles
Kent Fire & Life, Henry G. F. Wells, 68 High street
Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, Charles Farra; Ebenezer William Weller
Mutual Life, Charles Hills, 43 High street
National Provident Life, William Harold
Norwich Union Fire & Life, Edward Kenward
Pelican Life, Charles Sheppard
Phoenix Fire, Charles Sheppard
Provincial, Walter Nicholas, 8 Mount street
Reliance, Edward Seeley, High street
Rock Lite, James Hallaway
Royal Fire & Life, Charles Holt; C. Hills, 43 High street
Royal Exchange Fire & Life, William Cruttenden
Royal Farmers’ Fire & Life; Charles Hills
Sun Fire & Life, Frederic Ellman
County Police Court, John Alexander Thompson, superintendent
Gas Works, William Weller, lessee
Inland Revenue Office, George hotel, William Llewellin, esq. collector; alter Hore, supervisor
Mechanics’ Institution, Alfred Slatter, secretary
Orderly Room, 16th Sussex Volunteers, High street, Capt. Boyce Harvey Combe, commanding
South Eastern Railway Station, Jno. Fisher, station master
Stamp Office, High street, Miss Ann Burgess, distributor
Union Workhouse, Rev. Robert Richard Duke, chaplain; Henry Montagu Champneys, surgeon; Charles Hills, master; Mrs. Emma Hills, matron; John Baldwin Downs, schoolmaster; Miss Elizabeth Vidler, mistress
Young Men’s Christian Institution & Reading Room, Benjamin Harold Thorpe, secretary
Clerk to the Board of Guardians of the Battle Union, Francis William Ticehurst, Hill street
Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed Taxes for the Rape of Hastings, Frederic Ellman, Upper Lake
Clerk to the Assessment Committee of the Battle Union, Francis William Ticehurst High street
Clerk to the Magistrates for the Battle Division of the Rape of Hastings, Charles Sheppard, Mount street
Clerk to the Flimwell & Hastings Turnpike Road, William Weller, High street
Clerk to Bollington & Hastings Trust, Frederic Ellman
Clerk to Commissioner’s of Pevensey, Hooe, Willingdon, Bourne, Cuckmere, Bulverhythe, Pett, Brede &c. Frederic Ellman, Upper Lake
Clerk to Battle & Laughton & Battle, Heathfield & Robertsbridge Turnpike Trusts, Frederic Ellman, Upper Lake
Clerk to the Trusts of St. Leonard’s & Sedlecombe Turnpike Road, Charles Sheppard, Mount street
Commissioner for taking Oaths in Chancery & all the Courts, Charles Sheppard, Mount street
Commissioner for taking Acknowledgements of Married Women, Horace Martin, High street
Coroner for the Hundred of Robertsbridge, Edwin Martin, High street
Coroner for Hastings Rape, Charles Sheppard, Mount st
Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths for Battle District, & Parish Clerk, Henry Longley, High street
Inspector of Weights & Measures, John Foord, Mount st
Registrar of the Deanery Court of Battle, Frederic Ellman, Upper Lake
Registrar of Marriages for Battle Union, James Catt, Lower Lake
Relieving Officer for the Battle Union, James Catt, Lower Lake
Registrar of Births & Deaths for District 1, John Foord, Mount street
Solicitor to the Battle & Hastings Rape Building Society, Frederic Ellman, Upper Lake
Steward of the Manor of Battle, Charles Sheppard, Mount street
Superintendent Registrar, Francis William Ticehurst, High street
Superintendent of County Police & Deputy Chief Constable, John Alexander Thompson, Police station
St. Mary’s Church, Very Rev. Edward Neville Crake, M.A. dean & vicar
St. John the Baptist Church, Netherfield, Rev. Robert Richard Duke, LL.B. incumbent
Unitarian Chapel, Zion Chapel (Baptist), Rev. George Veals, minister
National (boys & girls), Robert Ganley, master ; Mrs. Emma Ganley, mistress
National, Netherfield, Walter Heasman, master
POSTING HOUSE.- George hotel, Joseph Couchman
BODIAM-James Hickman, from the ‘Chequers,’ every tuesday, at 2
BRIGHTLING-Stapley, from the ‘Wellington,’ every friday, at 5
DALLINGTON-Pilbeam, from the ‘Wellington,’ every thursday, at 4
GARDNER STREET & HAILSHAM-Baker, from the ‘Wellington,’ every thursday, at 1 p.m.
HASTINGS-Bates, every, wednesday; Reynolds, daily, at 9 a.m.; Collins, daily, at 9 a.m. (sunday excepted)
MOUNTFIELD & RODERTSBRIDGE-Cheesman, tuesday, thursday &. saturday
Beney Miss, High street
Carter Samuel, esq. Quarry hill
Cass Rev. C. S. Telham hill
Champneys Henry Montague, esq. Hi. st
Cleveland Duke of, Battle abbey
Crake Very Rev. Edward Neville, M.A. Deanery
Denyer Mrs. 4 St. Mary’s villas
Duke Rev. Robert Richard, LL.B. Netherfield parsonage
Duke Roger, esq. High street
Ellman Frederic, esq. Upper Lake
Kenward Mrs. The Friars
Laurence Charles, esq.
Laurence Charles Thomas, esq.
Laurence James, esq. High street
Martin Edwin, esq. High street
Martin Horace, esq. High street
Newberry Mr. William, 11 St. Mary’s villas
Nodin Mrs. North Lodge
Northcott James, esq. Starr’s green
Prichard Mr. Richard Biggs, 8 St. Mary’s villas
Ronalds Mr. Francis, 9 St. Mary’s villas
Sheppard Charles, esq. Mount street
Smith Rev. Herbert, Clementi, M.A. 12 St. Mary’s villas
Smith Mr. Tilden, 10 St. Mary’s villas
Thorne Alexander, esq. Woodlands
Thorpe Mr. George, Upper Lake
Thorpe Mr. William, 5 St. Mary’s villas
Veals Rev. George [Baptist], Mount street
Veniss Mrs, 7 St. Mary’s villas
Wagner John Hen. esq. J.P. Hemingfold
Watts James, esq. High street
Watts Mrs. High street
Watts William Edward Monckton, esq. Callback hill
Webster Frederick, esq. Upper Lake & New house, Ewhurst
Wells Henry G.F. esq. 68 High street
Weston William, esq. Mount street
Amoore Charles Robert, chemist & druggist, High street
Archer Alfred, boot & shoe maker, Upper Lake
Arnold Charles, actuary of the Savings bank, Callback hill
Attree Thomas, Railway inn
Austin George, farmer, Ringletts farm
Avann Edward, tailor, Upper Lake
Banister William, farrier, High street
Barnes George, farmer & hop grower, Beech farm
Barnes James, Black Horse inn, Telham hill
Battle Abbey Estate Office (Frederick Webster, esq. agent), Upper Lake
Bean John, carpenter, High street
Blackman Mary Ann (Mrs.), smallware dealer, Upper Lake
Boots Frederick, builder, High street
Bourne Thomas, farmer & hop grower, Beech mill
Bourner Stephen, farmer, Barrack land
Bryant Richard, carpenter
Burgess Ann (Miss), stationer, High street
Burgess James, linen draper & silk mercer, High street
Button Richard, butcher, High street
Cane James, farmer & hop grower, Netherfield
Carr William, Wellington inn, High street
Carrick Emma & Son, boot & shoe makers, Mount street
Catt James, relieving officer & registrar of marriages for Battle Union, Lower Lake
Champneys Henry Montague, surgeon, High street
Chettle Thomas, watch maker, High street
Chrismas Benjamin, pork butcher, Mount street
Collins John, carrier, Watch oak
Comfort James, bricklayer, Mount street
Couchman Joseph, George hotel, commercial inn & posting house, & wine & spirit merchant & farmer, High street
Crowhurst George, gamekeeper to the Duke of Cleveland, High street
Cruse Thomas, organist of St. Mary’s, Lower Lake
Cruttenden Samuel, plumber & glazier, Upper Lake
Cruttenden William, Insurance agent, High street
Dale Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, High street
Davis Frederick, veterinary surgeon, High street
Davis Thomas, wheelwright, Mount street
Dobell Charles, basket maker, High street
Dray Jesse, baker, High street
Duke Roger, surgeon, High street
Dunn Thomas, tailor & postmaster, High street
Durnford George, Squirrel inn
Edwards William, hardware dealer, High street
Eldridge John, charcoal burner, Telham hill
Eldridge Thomas, Half Moon, High street
Ellman Frederic, solicitor, Upper Lake
Evernders Edward, grocer & baker, Lower Lake
Farra Charles & Son, tailors, High street
Fisher John, station master
Flint Robert, grocer, High street
Foord John, cooper & registrar of births & deaths for district 1, Mount street
Franks Henry, baker, High street
Freakes Charles, marine store & hardware dealer, High street
Fry John, farmer & hop grower, Burnt chimney
Fry William, farmer, Rat farm
Gas Works (William Weller, lessee)
Gansden Charles, butcher, High street
Gill William Josiah, tobacconist, High street
Gower Lester, beer retailer, Lewes road
Hallaway James, assistant manager of London & County, Bank, High street
Hallett William, farmer & hop grower, Upper Almonry farm
Harbour Richard, baker, Upper Lake
Hards Peter, Horse & Groom, Telham hill
Harmer Henry, miller, Callback mill
Harmer James, Chequers inn, Upper Lake
Harold William, chemist & druggist & bookseller, High st
Heathfield Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner & dressmaker, High st
Hills Charles, master of Battle Union house
Holt Charles, grocer, High street
Hore Walter, supervisor, High street
Hutchison Henry & William, wheelwrights, Telham hill
Jeffery John, clerk of railway goods department, 3 St. Mary’s villas
Jeffrey Robert, tailor, High street
Jenner Jonathan, farmer & hop grower, Little Park farm
Johnston Maria(Mrs.), grocer & glass & china dealer, High st
Kemp Henry, watch & clock maker, High street
Kenward Edward, linen draper & silk mercer, High street
King George, fishmonger, Upper Lake
Knight Benjamin Wallace, nurseryman & seedsman, High st
Lamborn William, B.A. gentlemen’s boarding school
Laurence Charles & Son, gunpowder manufacturers, Battle powder mills
Leaney John, tailor, High street
London & County Joint Stock Bank (John Gower O’Neill, manager; James Hallaway, assistant manager), High street; draw on head office, London
Longley Charles, hair dresser, High street
Longley Henry, gun maker & deputy registrar of births & deaths for Battle district, High street
Luff John, nurseryman & florist, St. Mary’s gardens
McKensie Henry, farmer & hop grower, Homestead farm
Manktelow John, cabinet maker, High street
Mann James, grocer, Netherfield
Mannington Clement, farmer, Marley farm
Maplesden Ann (Miss), laundress, Upper Lake
Martin Edwin & Horace, solicitors, High street
Martin Herbert, carpenter, High street
Mathis Richard, boot & shoe maker, Upper Lake
Mechanics’ Institution (Alfred Slatter, secretary)
Mercer Joseph, whitesmith & machinist, High street & Mount street
Merritt George, boot & shoe maker, High street
Newbery Henry, confectioner, High street
Noakes Brothers, tanners & curriers
Orderly Room 16th Sussex Volunteers (Captain Boyce Harvey Combe, commanding), High street
Parks William, plumber & glazier, High street
Pemble Henry, glover & gaiter maker, High street
Pepper James, baker, Mount street
Ransom Henry, hair dresser, High street
Ray William Samuel, watch maker, High street
Reynolds Cain, carrier, Callback hill
Richardson David, saddler & harness maker, Upper Lake
Rintoul Isabella (Mrs.) & Mary (Miss), ladies’ boarding school, High street
Roberson Benjamin, boot & shoe maker, Mount street
Runnacles Henry, brewer, High street
Savings Bank (Charles Arnold, actuary), High street; open every monday from 4 till 5
Saxby William & Stephen, timber merchants & farmers, High street
Sheppard Charles, solicitor, Mount street
Sinden Ellen (Miss) straw hat maker, Mount street
Sinden Thomas, White Hart, Netherfield
Sinden William, farmer & hop grower, Frenches farm
Slatter Alfred, grocer & wine & spirit merchant, High street
Smith Ezekiel, blacksmith, Telham hill
Stephens John, greengrocer, High street
Stephens Thomas, boot & shoe maker, High street
Taylor Arthur, farmer, Upper Telham
Thompson Emma (Miss), seminary, 1 St. Mary’s villas
Thompson John Alexander, superintendent of Sussex county police & deputy chief constable, Police station
Thorpe Brothers, shoe manufacturers, High street
Thorpe Albion, corn factor, High street
Ticehurst Francis William, printer, bookseller, stationer & superintendent registrar, High street
Till George, general & furnishing ironmonger, High street
Towner John, carpenter, St. Mary’s terrace
Turner James, King’s Head, Mount street
Turner Jesse, gardener & seedsman, Upper Lake
Tutt Henry, tailor, High street
Tyrrell Joseph, corn factor, High street
Vidler George, plumber & glazier, High street
Vineall Joseph, corn dealer, High street
Walker & Soan, blacksmiths, High street
Walker James, bricklayer, Mount street
Walker James, jun. confectioner, Mount street
Weller Ebenezer William, miller & corn factor, Mount street
Weller William, saddler & harness maker & coal merchant, High street
Wells Henry G. F. manager of Lewes Old Bank, 68 High st
Weston William, surgeon, Mount street
White James, market gardener, Lower Lake
White William, market gardener, Upper Lake
Whitelock David & Son, tin & iron plate workers, High st
Whitfeld, Molineux & Whitfeld, bankers (Henry G. F. Wells, manager), 68 High street; draw on Williams, Deacon & Co. London
Woolgar John Pelling, Star hotel, family & commercial house, & wine & spirit merchant, High street
Young Men’s, Christian Institution & Reading Room (Benjamin Harold Thorpe, sec.), High street