From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
BILLINGSHURST is a parish and village, pleasantly situated on the old Roman road from London to Chichester, in the Western division of the county, hundred of West Easwrith, rape of Arundel, diocese and archdeaconry of Chichester, rural deanery of Storrington, Petworth union, and county court district of Horsham, 6½ miles south-west from Horsham, 9 north-east from Petworth, and 41 from London by road, and 45 by rail. The Mid-Sussex Railway passes through the parish, half a mile south-east of the village, where there is a neat station. The church of St. Mary is a good specimen of the small village churches of Sussex consisting of a nave, two aisles, and a chancel with a small south chapel: the tower, at the west end, is surmounted by a shingle spire 129 feet high: this tower contains a peal of 6 bells, 5 of which were re-cast in 1812, and the sixth added the same time: the church proper, that is the tower, nave and chancel, probably date from the middle of the 14th century, about which time also the small chapel on the south side of the chancel was built, and the aisles were probably added about a century later, and originally contained some very good square headed windows with cusped tracery, but the cusping has been almost wholly destroyed by the vandalism of the last generation: the roof over the nave has an exceedingly good late decorated oak panelled ceiling, with small moulded ribs and well carved bosses at the junctions, with various Christian symbols worked on in relief: in the centre aisle there is a flat monumental slab containing two very good brasses, representing a male and female figure with their hands folded in prayer; underneath is the inscription, in old English character, “Pray for the souls of Thomas Bartlet and Elizabeth his Wife, the which Thomas deceased the 30th day of January in the year of Lord God 1499, on whose souls then have mercy. Amen:” this slab is doubtless in memory of some of the early member’s of the Barttelot family, an old and respected family still residing in the parish of Stopham: there is also a small Renaissance monument of the Goring family, bearing date 1616: the church is now (1866) undergoing a thorough restoration, and the old galleries and pews have been cleared away to make room for the more suitable open seats designed to suit the style of the church: a new chancel aisle has been added, the plaster ceilings have been cleared away, and the old open timber roofs restored and exposed to view, and the stonework and walls throughout cleaned of their whitewash: new east windows of stained glass have been put in the chancel and chapel, one of which is to be a memorial one; both have been given by H. Carnsew, Esq. of Somers, to whose liberality the restoration of the church is mainly due. The work has been all carried out by local builders, viz., Messrs. Luke Wadey and Sons, and the stonework, ornamental, &c., by Mr. Owen Voice, from the drawings and under the superintendence of Robert W. Edis, Esq., M.R.I.B.A, architect, of London. The church will seat about 520. The register dates from 1630. The living is a vicarage, tithes commuted at £200 yearly, with 13 acres of glebe and a neat residence, in the gift of Sir Charles Goring, Bart., and held by the Rev. William Howie Bull, M.A. of St. John’s College, Cambridge. There is a National school for boys and girls, supported by voluntary contributions: and a handsome new School room has lately been created: it is a simple Gothic building, capable of accommodating about 150 children with play grounds and master’s residence attached: the building, which is of red brick, with stone dressings; has been built at the sole cost of Mr. Carnsew (who also gave the site), from the designs, and under the superintendence of R. W. Edis, Esq. There are chapels for Independents and Unitarians. The soil is chiefly strong clay, the property of various owners. A considerable business is carried on in the manufacture of wood hoops; and a corn market is held at the ‘King’s Arms’ every other Tuesday evening. There are two good commercial inns; the ‘King’s Arms’ situate in the centre of the village; and the Station Inn adjoining the railway station. About a mile from the village, on the London-road, is Somers, the delightful residence of Henry Carnsew, Esq,: it is an extensive mansion in the Domestic Gothic style, with mullioned windows. Area of the parish, 675 acres; the population in 1861 was 1,495.
ADVERSANE is a small hamlet, a mile and a half south; FIVE OAKS is a hamlet, a mile and a half north.
Parish Clerk, Thomas Baker, sen.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- Peter Laker, postmaster. Letters arrive from Horsham at 4.30 a.m.; dispatched at 8.20 p.m.
POST OFFICE, Five Oaks.- Peter Towse, receiver. Letters arrive from Horsham at 4.15 a.m.; dispatched at 8.30 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Billingshurst
Atlas Fire & Life, B. Huggett
Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, George Botting
Market Room, ‘King’s Arms’
Railway Station, William Bigwood, station master
National School, Henry Wright, master
HORSHAM-Charman, from Pulborough, passes through on saturday, returning the same day
WISBOROUGH GREEN & KIRDFORD-Coombes, from Wisborough green, passes through on monday & thursday, returning the same day
Axworthy Mr. William
Baker Mr. Thomas
Beath Rev. Henry, M.A. Andrew’s hill
Berrall William, esq. Duncans
Bescoby Mr. Richard, Gratwick house
Bull Rev. William Howie, M.A. Vicarage
Carnsew Henry, esq. Somers
Carter Mr. Cornelius, Adversane
Evershed Peter, esq.
Farhall John Naldrett, jun. esq. Clark’s land
Finch Capt. J. H
Harris Rev. Joseph Charles Lloyd [Independent]
Ireland John, esq. High seat
Niblett Stephen Berry, M.D. Brick ho
Puttock Mr. Thomas, Carlton house
Robinson Mr. Edward
Rogers Mrs
Smart Mr. William
Stallkartt -, esq.
Triscott Capt. Anthony A. J. Manor ho
Baker David, watch maker & builder
Baker Thomas, sen. relieving officer
Batchelor James, farm bailiff to J. N. Farhall, jun. esq.
Boniface Benjamin, farmer, Hook farm
Boorer William, academy
Botting Francis farmer, Oakhurst farm
Botting George, draper & grocer
Botting William, miller & farmer, Rowner’s mill
Brown Joseph, shoe maker & glover
Burchell Edwd. shopkeeper & beer retlr
Burchell Henry, farmer
Chesman Thomas, farmer, Graning fold
Dean John, farmer, Fewhurst
Denyer Richard Betsworth, farmer & landowner, Goldings, Five Oaks
Dubbins -, farmer, Combe land
Duke George, farmer, Duncan’s farm
Durrant William, builder & shopkeeper
Etherton John, blacksmith
Evershed R. & J. proprietors of steam thrashing machines, Jeffries
Evershed James, farmer, Ridge’s farm
Evershed John Dendy, farmer, Cobbed’s hall
Evershed Maurice, corn & seed merchant
Evershed Robert, farmer, Jeffries
Evershed Sarah Catherine (Mrs.), veterinary surgeon
Evershed Thomas, farmer, Slatter
Evershed William, farmer & landowner, Tedfold
Farhall John Naldrett, jun. farmer, Clark’s land
Greenfield Richard, farmer, Lower Wood house
Grinstead William, farmer, Hadfold farm
Grinsted William, butcher
Gumbrill William, farmer, Parbrook
Hammond Geo. Fra, plumber & painter
Harwood Maurice, shoe maker
Huggett & Son, grocers & drapers
Ireland George, farmer & landowner, Highfure farm
Johns George, King’s Arms Commercial inn, licensed to let horses, & butcher
Jupp George, blacksmith, Five Oaks
King James, maltster; residence, Betchworth, Surrey
Laker Alfred, King’s Head
Laker Henry, saddler & harness maker
Laker Jesse, currier
Laker Peter, tailor & postmaster
Laker Walter, farmer, Mintrell’s wood
Lloyd Alfred, farmer & landowner, Rowfold
Lovegrove Thomas, farmer, Loverants
Mitchell John, builder
Mitchell Rebecca (Mrs.), beer retailer
Naden Greatrese, veterinary surgeon
Niblett Stphn. Berry, physician, Brickho
Peacock Charles, farmer, Adversane
Peskett Frederick, shopkeeper
Petar Charles, brick & tile manufacturer
Petter John, farmer, Woodsdale
Potter Sarah(Miss), ladies’ boarding school
Powell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shoe maker
Puttock Charles, Blacksmiths’ Arms, & smith
Puttock Philip, nursery & seeds man
Puttock Deborah (Mrs.), grocer, & draper, Adversane
Puttock Thomas, timber bark & wood hoop merchant, & hoop manufacturer
Redman W. (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Reed Spencer, baker & shopkeeper
Shilcock -, farmer, Kingsfold
Sprinks Albert Henry, Station commercial inn, licensed to let horses, & coal merchant
Sprinks John, wharfinger & collector
Sprinks William, miller & farmer
Strudwick James, farmer, Andrew’s hill
Towes Peter, Five Oaks inn, grocer, & post office
Turner Elizabeth, (Mrs.), farmer & landowner, Rosa farm
Turner James, tailor
Voice Edward, plumber, painter & stone mason
Voice Owen, plumber, painter & stone mason
Voice William, shoe maker
Wadey Luke & Sons, builders, Five Oaks
Wadey Isaac, wheelwright, Five Oaks
Wadey Joseph, bookseller, stationer & shopkeeper
Wadey Walter, blacksmith
Wadey William, wheelwright
Wood William, beer retailer