
From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

CLAYTON is a parish, one mile south from Hassock’s Gate railway station, 44½ miles from London, 7 north from Brighton, and 10 north-west from Lewes, in the Eastern division of the county, Buttinghill hundred, Cuckfield union and county court district, Lewes rape and archdeaconry, and diocese of Chichester. The church (name unknown) has undergone considerable repairs. The register dates from the year 1714. The living is a rectory, with the curacy of Keymer annexed, joint annual value £780, in the gift of Brasenose College, Oxford, and held by the Venerable James Garbett, M.A. of that college, archdeacon of Chichester. The Brighton Railway runs through this parish, and here is a tunnel, a mile and a quarter long, cut through the chalk. Clayton Hill commands a fine view. The area is 2,402 acres; in 1861 the population was 863.
ST. JOHN’S COMMON, partly in Keymer and partly in this parish, has increased greatly in importance since the opening of the station at Burgess hill; numerous villas are being erected, and occupied as country seats, by persons carrying on business in Brighton. A school for boys and girls was Win 1850, and enlarged in 1859, so as to accommodate 500 pupils. A handsome church (St. John’s) has been erected for the accommodation of the district, it is of red brick, faced with stone, and is intended to accommodate 700 persons. Bricks, tiles, and brown ware pottery are extensively manufactured in this district.

Parish Clerk, Henry Breed.

POST OFFICE.- William Durtnall, postmaster. Letters through Hurst arrive at 7.15 a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Hurst
National School, St. John’s common, Mr. Beal, master; Mrs. Beal, mistress; Miss Wood, assistant mistress
CARRIER TO BRIGHTON.- Wilfred Picknell, St. John’s common, monday, thursday & saturday, returning same days

Briggs Gen. Bridge lodge
Elwood Mrs. The Priory
Gainsford John, esq.
Garbett Ven. Archdeacon James, M.A. Rectory
Gooding Mrs. St. John’s common
Pearson Mr. Alfred, St. John’s

Attree Thomas, farmer, Wickham
Avery Thomas, farmer, St. John’s
Charman Thomas, brewer & beer retailer, St. John’s common
Clark George, farmer, St. John’s
Dale John, farmer
Dudley William, lime burner
Durtnall William, baker
Eves Henry, lodging house
Godley George, Royal George, & farmer, St. John’s common
Godley Henry, Friar’s Oak
Grabett William, Watermill, St. John’s common
Holman Thomas, corn dealer, St. John’s common
Hornsly H. R. Cricketers’ Arms
Kinchen Wm, surveyor of turnpike roads
Lindfield Henry, butcher, St. John’s common
Mitchell James, miller
Ockenden Henry, shopkeeper
Packham Benjamin, shoe maker, St. John’s common
Peachey Fredk. butcher, St. John’s common
Russell John, lime burner, St. John’s
Simmons William, grocer
Stubbs Henry, farmer, Wickham
Tuley Chas. brick maker, St. John’s common
Turner Frances (Mrs.), farmer, Ham frm
Whiteman Thomas, farmer
Wood William, miller