From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
CUCKFIELD is a market town, parish, and polling place for the Eastern division of the county, 39 miles south from London, 10 north-east from Horsham, and 14 north-west from Lewes, pleasantly situated on an eminence nearly in the centre of the county, and about 2 miles from the London and Brighton Railway, in Buttinghill hundred, Cuckfield union, rape of Lewes, diocese of Chichester, archdeaconry of Lewes, and rural deanery of Balcombe. The county court district comprises the following places:- Albourne, Ardingly, Balcombe, Bolney, Clayton, Cowfold, Cuckfield with Hayward’s Heath and Staplefield, Horsted Keynes, Hurstpierpoint, Keymer, Lindfield, Newtimber, Piecombe, St. John’s Common, Slaugham, Twineham, and Wivelsfield. The houses are chiefly built of freestone, of which there are excellent quarries in the neighbourhood. The church of the Holy Trinity is a fine structure of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries: the tower is the oldest portion: the high pews and galleries which disfigured the interior were removed in 1855, and the fine proportions of the church are now fully displayed: the chancel has been repaved with tiles from Minton’s manufactory at Stoke, and contains some beautiful oak carvings from the works at Cambridge: here is a magnificent reredos of alabaster and costly marbles, sculptured and arranged from the designs of G. F. Bodley, Esq., of London, the architect of the restorations: the church contains several stained windows: the large east window, and one in the north chancel aisle (to the memory of the late Rev. T. Willis) are by Messrs. Hardman, of Birmingham: there are also three very handsome windows on the opposite side, given by T. W. Erle, Esq., of Mill Hill, and two more in the baptistry, given by the late Thomas George Waller, Esq. of Grassland, and the Temple, London, in memory of his father and mother, from the manufactory of Messrs. Ward and Nixon: the walls of the south aisle bear several interesting monuments to the Burrell family, and in the chancel and other parts of the church are those of the Sergisons, of Cuckfield Park, among these are works of Flaxman, Westmacott, and Bacon: a fine organ stands in the north chancel aisle: this instrument is by Bevington and Sons, of London, and was presented to the parish in the year 1839 by the late Thomas George Waller, Esq., a descendant of Waller the poet, and whose family for many generations has resided in this parish. The register dates from the year 1598. The living is a vicarage, valued at £613 per annum with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. Thomas Astley Maberly, M.A., of Christ Church, Oxford; the Rev, John Henry Appleton, M.A, is curate. There are places of worship for Baptists and Independents. The principal house in the parish is Cuckfield Park, the seat of Warden Sergison, Esq.: it is approached from the high road by a noble avenue, terminating in an ancient gate-house, and stands on the confines of a large undulating park, well stocked with deer; the house is well known as the ‘Rookwood’ of Mr. Harrison Ainsworth, and the traditions referred to in his popular novel are still rife in this neighbourhood: a calamitous fire has destroyed the fine collection of family pictures, Bolnore, the seat of Miss Dealtry, is a handsome modern house, in a commanding situation, near Hayward’s Heath, Ockenden House, an ancient residence of the Burrell family, in the town of Cuckfield, has been lately much enlarged, and is now the property of, and occupied by, W. W. Burrell, Esq. Grassland, a beautiful spot in the northern part of the parish, is the property and residence of Frederick Waller, Esq, Borde Hill is the property and residence of Mrs. Preston. Other houses recently erected in this parish are Nymans, Brantridge (G. Meek, Esq.), Mytten, Woodcroft, Hatchlands (W. Payne, Esq.) and Butler’s Green (H. Burnand, Esq.) The Union Workhouse is well situated on a ridge to the north of the town, and is a substantial brick building, and will accommodate 400 inmates, for whose accommodation the chapel adjoining was erected in 1858. The union comprises the following parishes:- Albourne, Ardingly, Balcombe, Bolney, Clayton, Cowfold, Cuckfield, Horsted Keynes, Hurstpierpoint, Keymer, Lindfield, Newtimber, Pyecombe, Slaugham, and Twineham, with a population in 1861 of 17,163, and an area of 59,486 acres. A Free Grammar school was founded here in 1528, and endowed with some estates by Edward Flower, Esq., of London, and the Rev. William Spicer, of Balcombe, for the sons of parishioners of Cuckfield and Balcombe: this school has now fallen into decay, and the funds have been made available, by an order in Chancery, for the purposes of the National school. The market is held on Friday, and the annual fairs on Thursday in Whitsun-week, and September 16th, for horses and cattle. Petty sessions are held every alternate Monday at the Talbot Hotel. There is a police station. Gas Works were established in 1861, and also a Local Board of Health. Warden Sergison, Esq., and Lord Abergavenny are lords of the manor; and W. Sergison, W. W. Burrell, Frederick Waller, and W. Borrer, Esqrs., are the chief house and landowners in the town and parish. The population, including the district of, Staplefield, was 3,196 in 1851 and 3,539 in 1861; and the area is 11,167 acres.
Parish Clerk, Henry Bennett.
HAYWARD’S HEATH, 2 miles south-east, is a station on the London and Brighton Railway, 37½ miles from the former, and 12½ from the latter; it is also a telegraphic station. This favourite heath has lately been enclosed, many new villas have been erected, and several others are in course of construction. A new church, capable of holding 700 people, has been built by subscription, at a cost of £5,300, and an ecclesiastical district has been assigned to it. The Rev. Robert Edward Wyatt, M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, is the incumbent. Here are schools for 250 children of both sexes, erected in 1856 partly by subscription, the Misses Dealtry being the principal benefactors. There is an Independent chapel. A corn market is held at the Station Hotel on Wednesday, contiguous to which are corn stores, erected in 1846, for pitching; this market is well attended by purchasers from all parts. There are also two fairs held, on the 23rd April and 18th November, for cattle and pigs.
STAPLEFIELD is a scattered hamlet, 2½ miles north-west from Cuckfield, and 5½ south from Crawley (its post town): it is a separate ecclesiastical district, with a small church (St. Mark’s), in the Early English style, erected in 1847: there is a fine stained window in the chancel, by Hardman. The living is a perpetual curacy, worth £70 per annum, in the gift of the Vicar of Cuckfield, and held by the Rev. John Thomas Atkin Swan M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxford. There are National and Infant schools; also a chapel for Independents.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell, post-mistress. Letters arrive from London at 2.30 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched at 10.45 a.m. & 10 p.m.; on sundays at 8 p.m. only
POST OFFICE, Hayward’s heath.- Henry James Green, postmaster. Letters arrive from Cuckfield at 7 a.m. & 2.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Cuckfield
POST OFFICE, Staplefield.- Stephen Simmons, receiver. Letters from Crawley by foot post, arrive at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5.35 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Hand Cross
County Fire, Abraham Bristy
General Fire & Life, Henry Malyan
Liverpool & London & Globe, E. Jenner
London Assurance, E. Anscombe
Norwich Union Fire & Life, W. N. Williams
Phoenix Fire, Gurnett Horatten
Royal Fire & Life, E. Dann
Royal Exchange, A. Dumsday
Royal Farmers’, H. Bray
Scottish Union, J. Clark, Cuckfield park
Sun Fire & Life, John Mitchell
County Court (held every eighth thursday), W. Furner, esq. Judge ; Joseph Dempster, esq. high bailiff; E. Waugh, esq. registrar; Albert Dumsday, bailiff
Gas Works, Thomas Creswell, manager
Inland Revenue Office, Talbot hotel
Police Station, James Akehurst, superintendent
Union Workhouse, Samuel Jones, master; Mrs. Mary, Jones, matron; John Taylor & wife, school master & mistress; T. Tugwell relieving officer; Edward Waugh, clerk of the union; Rev. H. Hawkins M.A. chaplain
Railway Station, Hayward’s Heath, John Piper, station master
Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes & Clerk to Local Board of Health, E. Waugh
Clerk to Burial Board, C. N. Gurnett
Clerk of Assessed & Property Taxes, A. Dumsday
Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Henry Bray
Relieving Officer, Thomas Tugwell
Holy Trinity Church, Rev. T. A. Maberley, M.A. incumbent
Baptist Chapel
Independent Chapel, Rev. Jsph. Stuchberry, M.A. minister
Independent Chapel, Hayward’s Heath
National, Thomas Norris, master; Miss Mary Osborne, mistress
Infant, Mrs. Ellen Jennings, mistress
British, Miss Ann Latour Hordle, Mistress
National, Hayward’s heath, Alfred Wilmot, master; Mrs. Sarah Best, mistress
National, Staplefield, Thomas Mann, master; Mrs. Ann Maun, mistress
Talbot hotel, A, Dumsday
Station hotel, Hayward’s Heath, J. Bennett
CARRIER TO BRIGHTON.- John Holden, every tuesday & friday, returning same day
Ackworth Edward, M.D. Elfinsward
Alison Rev, Laughton
Appleton Rev. John Hen M.A. [curate]
Bevan Richard Alexander, esq.
Biggs Mr, William
Boucher Capt
Brynn Hugh Pridmore, esq. Willies
Bull Mr. George, Hayward’s heath
Burfield Thomas Petlands, esq. Hayward’s Heath
Burnand Henry, esq. Butler’s green
Burnand Louis, esq. Witmore house
Burrell Walter Wyndham, esq. Ockenden house
Byass Misses
Byass Thomas Spry, M.D
Carpenter Humphrey, esq. Field villa
Currie Admiral, Hazeldean
Day Walter, esq. Copyhold
Dealtry Miss, Bolnore
Dearden Capt. John, Nymans
Dench Miss
Drakeford David, esq. Brookside
Edwards Mr. William
Erle William Twiniho, esq. Mill hall
Fearon John Peter, esq. Chowns
Harrison Henry Dalblack, esq. Mytten
Hawkins Rev. Henry, M.A. Hayward’s heath
Head Mr. Henry, Highland villa, Hayward’s heath
Hennah Mrs. Highland villa, Hayward’s heath
Hollingworth Rev. Henry
Kennard Misses, Hayward’s heath
Knott George, esq. Woodcroft
McAdam Major Thomas Stanning, J.P. Borde hill
Maberly Rev. Thos. Astley, M.A. Vicarage
Manbey Capt. Charles, Clifton cottage
Meek George, esq. J.P. Brantridge
Milner Rev. John, Beech hurst
Neale Miss, Hayward’s heath
Oldham James, esq. Lucos’s
Palmer Fredck. Octavius, esq. The Wells
Payne William, esq. Hatchlands
Peek Richard, St. Clair; & at Walton house Brighton
Pellatt Mrs. Stanbridges
Pratt Mr. Daniel, Croft cottage
Preston Mrs. Borde hill
Sergison Warden, esq. J.P. Cuckfield park
Smith Major-Gen. Southdown villa
Smith Foster, esq. Staplefield place
Smith Mrs
Thorowgood Mr. Samuel, Lucas’s
Treacher Harry, Oaklands, Hayward’s heath
Turner Ellis, Bridger’s mill
Upton Mr. James
Walter Frederick, esq. Grassland
Waugh Edward, esq.
Wetton H. Davan, esq. Hazelgrove, Hayward’s heath Willis Mrs
Wyatt Rev. Robt. Edwd. M.A. St. Wilfrids
Wyatt Mrs. St. Wilfrids
Yates William, esq.
Agate Joseph, farmer, Westup
Agate Robert, farmer, Deakes
Alderton Sarah (Mrs.), bonnet maker
Anscombe Elizabeth & Son, builders
Anscombe Joseph, plumber & glazier
Anscombe Mrs. Edward, ladies’ school
Ashdown William, manager of brick works, Hayward’s heath
Attree Ann (Mrs.), Ship
Bates John, watch maker
Beeching Fanny (Mrs.), farmer, Beech frm
Bennett Henry, bill poster
Bennett John, Station hotel & posting house, coal merchant, & agent for the railway company’s conveyances, Hayward’s Heath
Berry Richard, farmer, Hayward’s heath
Best Thomas Williams, brewer, maltster & coal merchant
Boniface William, farmer
Bray Henry, registrar of births, deaths & marriages
Brigden Mrs. lodging house
Brigden Sarah Ann (Mrs.), saddler & ironmonger
Bristy Abraham, grocer & tallow chandler
Brooker William, shopkeeper, Ansty
Brookshaw Charles, brazier & chimney sweeper
Bunting Thomas, baker
Burley John, Green Cross, Ansty
Burster James, farmer, Slough
Button George, farmer, Lucas’s
Byas Thomas Spry, M.D. surgeon
Caffyn Richard, farmer, Court farm
Caffyn Thomas, miller & farmer
Coates Richard, agent for Unity Fire & Life Office
Cook John, boot & shoe maker
Court William, tea dealer
Croucher William, wheelwright
Dann Edwin, cooper & photographer
Davey David, farmer, Hayward’s heath
Dumsday Ambrose, Talbot family & commercial hotel & posting house
Dumsday Keziah (Mrs.), tailor & draper
Edwards William, timber merchant
Elliott Mrs. currier & shoe maker
Field Francis, farmer, Barnsnape
Field James, farmer, Broxmead
Field John, farmer
Field Thomas, grocer, Ansty
Fox William, shoe maker
Gander John, farmer, Handley
Gas Works (Thomas Cresswell, manager)
Godsmark Benjamin, Liverpool Arms commercial inn, & fly proprietor, Hayward’s Heath station
Goss Charles, inland revenue officer
Gurnett & Wratten, grocers, tea dealers, cheesemongers, linen & woollen drapers & undertakers
Grist John, Volunteers’ inn, Hayward’s heath
Harmes Robert, farmer, Butler’s green
Harris Ann (Mrs.), saddler
Haylor Thomas, shopkeeper
Haywards’s Heath Brick Works (Wm. Ashdown, manager)
Henton Walter, Sergison’s Arms, & wheelwright & fly proprietor, Hayward’s heath
Hobden Sarah (Miss), farmer, Haseldean
Holden John, carrier
Holloway Francis William, builder, Hayward’s heath
Hollis Henry, farmer, Horsegate
Hurley John, Green Cross, Ansty
Jeffery Benjamin, carpenter
Jeffery Joseph Bacon, brick maker & farmer, Acorn house
Jeffery Mary (Miss), lodging house, Broad st
Jenner -, miller, Bridger’s mill
Jenner Edmund, butcher
Jenner Edward, King’s Head family & commercial hotel
Jenner Thomas, butcher
Jones Joshua, beer retailer, Hayward’s heath
Jones Stephen, beer retailer, Hayward’s heath
Juniper Charles, farmer
Jupp David, farmer, Bishopstone
Jupp William, shoe maker
Kenward Misses, milliners, Hayward’s heath
Kenward -, baker & grocer, Hayward’s heath
Knight Chas. ironmonger & bell hanger
Knight Daniel, grocer & baker, Hayward’s heath
Knight Stephen, carpenter
Knowles Thomas, plumber & glazier
Lewry Stephen, poulterer
Longhurst Amos, farmer, Pilsty
Malyan Henry, grocer; cheesemonger, linen & woollen draper, clothier, hatter, undertaker & agent to the General Fire & Life Insurance Office
Marchant James, farmer, Moorfields
Marchant Thomas, farmer, Bridge farm
Marchant William, farmer, Brook street
Matthews Geo, butcher, Hayward’s heath
Matthews George, farmer, Taylor’s barn
Meek George, farmer & landowner, Brantridge
Mitchell John, agent
Morley George Kemp, butcher
Mummery Henry, farmer
Newnham -, farmer Dillons
Newnham Edward, builder, Hayward’s heath
Nicholas William, farmer, Fowlers
Noble Henry Alfred, farmer, Harvest hill
Norris Edward, builder
Norris Thomas, schoolmaster
Oxley Mrs. farmer
Pace Sarah Anna (Miss), ladies’ school, Chasemore house
Packham John, farmer, Paine’s place
Packham Richard, farmer, Harland’s
Packham William, farmer, Hodsherf
Pannett Richard, builder, Hayward’s heath
Peckham James, beer retailer
Pennifold Thomas, farmer, Lye’s farm
Philpott Mrs. farmer, Hook house
Picknell Ann (Miss), dress maker
Pierce Stephen, timber & coal merchant, Hayward’s heath
Redford Henry, farmer, Thornsdean
Reed Reuben, farmer, Hayward’s heath
Reynolds James, stationer
Roberts George, farmer, Lower Moon hill
Sayers Emery, baker & miller
Sayers George, farmer, Lodge farm
Sayers John, corn dealer
Smith James, chimney sweeper
Smith Mary (Mrs.), lodging house
Stevens George, shoe maker
Stubberfield Charles, White Hart
Taylor William, farmer, Riddens
Tester Thomas, Rose & Crown inn
Tickner Wm. Burt, farmer, Whitehouse
Tugwell John, tailor
Tugwell Thomas, relieving officer
Turner Ellis, cowkeeper, Hayward’s hth
Tyler Robert, shoeing & general smith, & cowkeeper
Upton Ambrose, farmer, Little Ease
Upton Henry, farmer, Sparkes
Upton Thomas, farmer, Low Little Ease
Uridge William, farmer, Lowfields
Uwins John Potter, farmer, Mizbrooks
Waugh Edward, solicitor
Webber Richard, farmer, Ansty
Willett Samuel baker
Williams R. Henry, PH.D. academy, Hayward’s heath
Williams William, chemist
Wood Henry, lodging house, Green
Woolgar Cornelius, blacksmith, Hayward’s heath
Young George, farmer
Drakeford David, esq. Dillons
Lemann Henry R. W. esq. Sunnyside
Pellatt -, esq. Stanbridge
Smithe William Foster, J .P. Staplefield place
Swan Rev. John Thomas Atkin, M.A. Parsonage
Batchelor Thomas, farmer, Holmstead
Boniface -, farmer, Vinall’s
Carpenter Humphrey, tanner, Common
Cherryman Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Common
Gard Tom, Jolly Tanners
Hancock Thomas, farmer, Tyes
Hobden Thomas, farmer
Humphreys William, blacksmith
Juniper William, farmer, North hall
Lewry Thomas, farmer, Mallions
Simmons Henry, carpenter, Common
Simmons Simeom, wheelwright, Common
Simmons Stephen, shopkeeper, Common
Smith John, farm bailiff, Tanyard