Forest Row

From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

FOREST ROW is a railway station and district ecclesiastical parish, formed in 1826, out of the parish of East Grinstead. The church of the Holy Trinity is a neat Gothic stone building; it has chancel, nave, square tower, steeple, clock, gallery and small organ, and several stained windows, in memory of the Dowager Lady Colchester, George Hoper, Esq., of Thornhill, Samuel Statham, Esq., and Mrs. Fullerton. The living is a perpetual curacy, yearly value £150, in the gift of the vicar of East Grinstead, and held by the Rev. Joseph Adkins Beckett, B.A., non-resident: the Rev. George Windsor Tucker, B.A., of Trinity College, Oxford, is the officiating minister. There is a large National school, attended by upwards of 200 children of both sexes. The Congregational church, erected in 1859, is a small, neat building, with a school attached. The Baptists have also a chapel here. The ruins of Brambletye Castle are about half a mile west of the village; and Kidbrooke Park, the property of Lord Colchester, is half a mile north. The line of railway from East Grinstead to Tunbridge Wells has a station here. Petty sessions for the division are held at the Swan hotel, once every month. Brambletye Castle Hotel is within five minutes’ walk of the railway station. The population of the ecclesiastical district in 1861 was 1,411.

Parish Clerk, Joshua Zadok Benjamin Bootes.

POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE AND POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK.- Stephen Sayers, postmaster. Letters arrive from East Grinstead at 7 a.m. & 1 p.m.; from Tunbridge Wells at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched to Tunbridge Wells at 6.10 p.m. & to East Grinstead at 7 p.m.

LETTER BOX, Ashurst wood. Letters cleared at 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m.

INSURANCE AGENT.- Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, Stephen Sayers

National, Joshua Zadok Benjamin Bootes, master; Mrs. Susannah Bootes, mistress
Infant, Ashurst wood, Miss Trott, mistress

CARRIER TO LONDON.- Robert Payne, every monday & thursday, to the George inn, Borough, returning tues. &. fri

Campbell Arthur E. esq. Court in Holme
Edwards Mr. George
Epps John, esq. The Yews, Ashurst
Flower Rev. John [Baptist]
Harwood Mr. Hardin
Hill Mrs
Hoper Mrs. Thornhill
Hyde Francis Colville, esq. Ashdown ho
Larking Cuthbert, esq. & Lady Adela, Stone house
Moor Major Frederick, J.P. Pixton ho
Nesbett Alexander esq. Kidbrooke park
Playford George Frederick, esq. Kidbrooke cottage
Slight Rev. Benjamin [Congregational], Nenthorn
Sloane John, esq.
Trotter Robert, esq. Twyford lodge
Tucker Rev. George Windsor, B.A. [curate], The Manse
Wilson Mrs. Ashurst wood

Bates Hubert, tailor
Blackstone John, carpenter
Botting John, farmer, Clay pits
Bowrah Jesse, farmer, Park corner
Bowrah William, boot & shoe maker, Ashurst wood
Bradford Henry, Three Crowns, & carpenter, Ashurst wood
Brooks Edward, bricklayer & beer retailer, Ashurst wood
Butcher Michl. carpenter, Ashurst wood
Card Abraham, beer retailer
Charman Francis, farmer, Wall Hill farm
Cheaney Jas. farmer, Wales Beech farm
Finch Charles, farrier
Foster Benj. shoe maker, Ashurst wood
Foster Jesse, farmer, Great Surries
Foster Jesse, shoe maker, Ashurst wood
Gilham George, farmer
Gilham Thomas, blacksmith
Goodrick Elizabeth (Mrs.), Roebuck, Whichcross
Grove James, blacksmith, Ashurst wood
Head John, farmer, Hind Leap farm
Heasman James, builder
Heasman Robert, farmer, Burnt house
Heaver Edward, farmer, Legs heath
Henley James, timber dealer
Histed Henry, Brambletye Castle commercial & family hotel & posting house
Histed Henry, butcher, & at West Hoathley
Hoadley Henry, grocer, draper & furniture dealer
Hooker Isaac, grocer & draper, Ashurst wood
Huggett Henry, baker & mealman
Huggett Richard, shoe maker
Jenner Francis Thomas, Swan hotel
Johnson Daniel, wheelwright, Ashurst wood
Lucas Susanna (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ashurst wood
Martin Charles, baker
Martin Thomas, blacksmith
May Richard, carrier & farmer, Ashurst wood
Maynard Michael, farmer
Mellish James & Sons, farmers & millers, Brambletye farm, & at Edenbridge, Kent
Miles John, farmer & carpenter, Broadstone farm
Mitchell Henry, wheelwright
Morris Henry & Ebenezer, shopkeepers, & dealers in marine stores, Ashurst wood
Morris John, boot & shoe maker, Ashurst wood
Morris John, grocer & draper, Ashurst wd
Payne Robert, carrier
Quickenden James, farmer, Mudbrook
Rice John, carpenter & farmer
Sayers Stephen, grocer & draper, & post office
Smith Frederick, coach maker & wheelwright
Sloane John, surgeon
Stratton Thos. farmer, South Park farm
Taylor James, bricklayer
Tooth John, jun. plumber &c. & at High street, East Grinstead
Turner Robert, farmer & miller, Tablehurst farm
Underwood John, farmer, Horseshoe frm
Waghorn Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Waters James, wood dealer & farmer
Waters Jas. jun. carpenter & undertaker
Wells William, undertaker
Woollvin John, grocer, draper &c
Wood Jsph. broom maker, Ashurst wood
Young Spencer, shopkeeper