
From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

FRAMFIELD is a parish, a mile and a half south-east from Uckfield, and 43 miles from London by road, in the Eastern division of the county, hundred of Loxfield Dorset, Pevensey rape, Uckfield union, Lewes county court district and archdeaconry, diocese of Chichester, and rural deanery of South Malling. The church of St. Thomas-a-Becket, is an ancient structure; it has nave, chancel, side aisles, north and south chapels, a stained window erected in the chancel in 1847, and an organ: the church is supposed to have been built in 1200, and the date of the first registry is 1538. The living is a vicarage, tithe commuted at £590, with residence, in the gift of and held by, the Rev. Richard Leonard Adams, M.A., of Christ College, Cambridge. The vicarage house was rebuilt in 1835. Here is a Parochial school. The charities are £64 per annum. Earl De La Warr is lord of the manor. Framfield Place, the seat of Alexander Donovan, Esq., J.P., is a picturesque spot, and commands a good view of the surrounding neighbourhood; it is surrounded by woods and plantations, shrubberies, and lawns tastefully laid out: the house was rebuilt in 1847. At Tarble Down, in this parish, the archbishop formerly had a seat; and tradition says that on this down was fought an engagement between part of the army of Henry III. and some troops of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. The number of acres is 6,700; the population in 1861 was 1,355.

BLACKBOYS is a hamlet, 2 miles east.

Parish Clerk, George Brooker

POST OFFICE.- John Brooker, receiver. Letters arrive from Hurst Green at 4.30 p.m.; dispatched at 9.15 p.m. Box closes at 8.30 p.m.; but letters may be posted till 9 p.m. with an extra stamp. The nearest money order is at Uckfield

British Life, Charles Brooker
Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, Chas. Brooker
Royal Farmers’, W. Bryant

National School, Mrs Ada Walker, mistress

POST OFFICE, Blackboys.- John Jenner, receiver. Letters arrive from Hurst Green at 4 a.m.; dispatched at 9.45 p.m. Box closes at 9 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Uckfield

Registrar of Births & Deaths for Framfield District, Charles Brooker

Adams Rev. Richd. Leonard, M.A. [vicar]
Baines Mrs. Highlands
Donovan Alex. esq. J.P. Framfield place
Driver Miss, Hawthorn cottage
Hallett Mrs. Sunnyside cottage
Hughes Mrs. Browning’s grove
Kingston Rev. Edward, M.A. [Curate]
Stone William Thomas, esq. Stonebridge
Tucker Major-Gen. Henry Todd, Wharton grange

Bannister John, farmer, Gatehouse frm
Barton William, farmer, Eason’s green
Berry Alfred John, farmer, Vines farm
Berry George, miller, Upton’s mill
Bourner James, farmer, Hempsted
Bradford Thomas, farmer, Blackboys
Brooker Charles, registrar of births & deaths
Brooker George, boot & shoe maker
Brooker John, boot & shoe maker
Broomfield James, farmer, Pale house
Bryant William, Hare & Hounds
Burgess Wm. wheelwright, Blackboys
Burtenshaw William, bricklayer
Burton Aaron, farmer, Tarble down
Burton Benjamin, farmer, Croxted farm
Cornwell Geo. farmer, Cider House farm
Cottington David, farmer, Barnard’s wd
Dadswell Edward Okill, miller & farmer
Eade Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Hammond’s green
Farrant Abraham, farmer, Brook House farm
Farrant Thomas, farmer, Eason’s green
Faulkner Wm. blacksmith, Blackboys
Felwick George, farmer, Hundred House farm
Felwick Geo. jun. farmer, Little Streale
Fennemore Daniel, butcher
Ford Wm. & Thomas, farmer’s, Mount Ephraim
Garrett George, farmer, Eason’s green
Garrett Henry, carpenter, Blackboys
Garrett Luke, boot & shoe maker, Blackboys
Garrett Rebecca (Mrs.), Crown inn,, Blackboys
Gasson Edward, farmer, Bridgland
Hemsley John Hy. farmer, Pounsley frm
Hills William, blacksmith
Hills William, farmer, Sandhill farm
Holmes Bright, farmer, Burden eye
Hope William, farmer, Blackboys
Jeffery William, farmer, Great Streale
Keene Philip, farmer, Bentley’s farm
Lee John, shopkeeper, Blackboys
Leney Henry, miller, Pounsley
Martin John, cooper, Blackboys
Page Horace, farmer, Pellings place
Page John, farmer, Honey’s green
Page Thomas, farmer, Scane hill
Press Henry, farmer, Hobb’s farm
Ranger Obid, Black Boy, & pork butcher, Blackboys
Rogers Henry, cooper
Russell Enos, Barley Mow, & wheelwright, Mount Ephraim
Selway Charles, farmer, Honey’s green
Siggs George, carpenter & farmer
Taylor Harry, grocer, Blackboys
Townsend Asher, farm bailiff, New Place farm
Townsend George, farmer, Burnt oak
Wallis, Sons & Corke, grocers, drapers & wool merchants
Woodgate Elizabeth (Mrs.), White Lion