
From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

GUESTLING is a parish, 3¾ miles west-south-west from Winchelsea, and 3½ miles north-east from Hastings, in the Eastern division of the county, Guestling hundred, Hastings union, rape and county court district, diocese of Chichester, archdeaconry of Lewes, and rural deanery of Bexhill, bounded on the south by the Brede channel. The church of St. Andrew is an ancient structure, in the Early English style, with some Norman details, and a low tower surmounted by a short spire: it contains some monuments to the Ashburnham family, of whom Sir William, grandfather to the present baronet, was raised, in 1754, to the see of Chichester, over which he presided forty-three years, and is buried here. The living is a rectory; the tithes have been commuted at £450 per annum, with residence, in the gift of Clare College, Cambridge, and held by the Rev. Edwin Newson Bloomfield, M.A., of that college. Here is an endowed school, the master and mistress of which receive £82 per annum, from money left by Mr. Bradshaw in 1734. George Martin, a celebrated linguist was born in this parish. Broomham Park, the seat of Sir Anchitel Ashburnham, Bart., is a handsome mansion, surrounded by a richly wooded park, in which are some stately avenues of trees. The village, consisting of numerous detached residences and villas, is partly built on the acclivity of an eminence commanding some fine views. The area of the parish is 3,564 across and the population in 1861 was 731.

Parish Clerk, George Hawkins.

POST OFFICE.- Mrs. Jane Eaton, receiver. Letters are received through Hastings at 8.30 a.m.; box closes at 6. Hastings is the nearest money order office

Police Station, George Jeffery, sergeant
Registrar of Births & Deaths, John Cloak
Bradshaw’s Endowed School, Giles Tucker, master; Miss Sarah White, mistress

Ashburnham Sir Anchitel, bart. J.P. Broomham park
Bishop Anthony, Esq.
Bloomfield Rev. Edwin Newson, M.A. [rector]
Kaye Robt. Benjamin, esq. J.P. Friars’ hill
Lewis Arthur James, esq.
St. Paul Miss
Thatcher Mrs
Upjohn William, esq.

Barling James, farmer, Great Pickham
Cane John, farmer, Maxfield
Colegate Richard, mason
Colegate Winnifred (Miss), shopkeeper
Colegate Winnifred (Mrs.), bricklayer
Eaton George, blacksmith
Eaton Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Ginner John, farmer, Lidham
Ginner Traiton, farmer, Copshall farm
Hawkins Geo. carpenter & beer retailer
Hawkins Harriet (Mrs.), shoe maker
Hawkins James, farmer
Hawkins William, farmer
Hunter Mary (Mrs.), wheelwright
Pleydell Josiah, carrier
Ramsay Ebenezer, White Hart
Rollison James, farmer, Rocks
Sargent Henry & Spencer, farmers, Blackbrook
Skinner Albert, grocer
Standing James, market gardener
Tucker Giles, master of Bradshaw’s endowed school
Weston James, farmer
White Sarah (Miss), mistress of Bradshaw’s endowed school
Woodhams Thomas, farmer, Coghurst
Woodland Thomas, farmer, Church ho