From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
HEATHFIELD is a parish, 6 miles south-west from Ticehurst Road station, 9 east from Uckfield station, 8 north from Hailsham, and 11 north-west from Battle station, in the Eastern division of the county, Hawkesborough hundred, Lewes county court district and archdeaconry, Hailsham union, Hastings rape, diocese of Chichester, and rural deanery of Dallington. The church of All Saints is a plain ancient structure, consisting of nave, two aisles and chancel, with square tower containing 6 bells, surmounted a wooden spire: the ancient chapel, long used as a vestry, on the south side of the church, was rebuilt in the year 1861. The parish register dates from 1581: there are mutilated fragments of a much earlier date. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £400, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. William Jackson, M.A., of Queen’s College, Oxford. In the vicarage house is a library of 229 volumes, bequeathed to the use of the vicars of Heathfield for ever by the late Mr. Richard Wilkin, formerly bookseller in London, whose father was about 44 years vicar of Heathfield. Hare are a National school, rebuilt in 1864. an Independent chapel, and a Baptist chapel. A market for corn, seed and hops is held every Thursday at the Crown Inn. Heathfield Park, the seat of Sir Charles William Blunt, Bart., J.P., is beautifully situated and well wooded, commanding extensive sea views: the house, which is modern and commodious, is situated on the east side of the park, and on the west side is the Gibraltar Tower, erected by Francis Newberry, Esq., to commemorate the gallant Conduct of General Elliott at the siege of Gibraltar. The Earls of Ashburnham, Chichester, and De La Warr are lords of the manor. The parish comprises 7,970 acres, and contained in 1861 a population of 1,892.
CADE STREET is half a mile north; Punnett’s Town, 2 miles east; Street End, 2 north; Runtington, 1½ south-west, are places in this parish.
Parish Clerk, Thomas Covell.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST SAVINGS BANK, AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- William Gosling, receiver, Cade street. Letters arrive from London & other parts, through Hurst Green, at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 9 p.m.
POST OFFICE, Heathfield common.- John Valentine, receiver. Letters arrive at 4 a.m.; dispatched at 10 p.m.
INSURANCE AGENT.- Norwich Union Life & Fire, Henry Knight
National School, William Deadman, master; Mrs. Mary Ann Brook, mistress
LEWES – Thos. Collins, every tuesday, returning same day
TICEHURST ROAD STATION – Gosling & Bean, every monday, wednesday & friday, returning same days
Bailey Mr. Henry, Cade street
Baker Mrs. Owlsbury
Blunt Sir Charles William, bart. J.P. Heathfield park
Casey Rev. Edmond
Coates Capt. King’s Down park
Colling Joseph, esq. Spring lodge
Ellson Rev. Joseph [Independent]
Gale Mr. Richard Spanton
Jackson Rev. William, M.A. Vicarage
Knight Mrs
Lidbetter Leonard. esq. Heathfield ho
Miller Frederick Peel, esq. Heathfield pk
Mockford Rev. George [Baptist]
Press William, esq
Allchin Williams, shopkeeper
Arnold John, farmer, Markly farm
Avard James, blacksmith
Balcombe Thos. farmer, Walnut’s farm
Balls William, farmer, Stream farm
Bean Charles, carrier
Bean Humphrey, Crown inn
Benge John, farmer & hop grower, Reddit’s farm
Bourner William, miller
Brakefield Isaac, carpenter
Brand Edmund, farmer, & land steward to Sir Charles William Blunt, bart
Buckland Henry, shopkeeper, Punnett’s town
Campion Joseph & Samuel, farmers & hop growers, Newick
Christmas George, farmer
Castleton Eliza (Mrs.), farmer & hop grower, Little Tottingworth
Collins Horace, carrier
Collins William, farmer & hop grower
Cornford Charles, boot & shoe maker
Covell Albert, saddler & harness maker
Covell Henry, veterinary surgeon
Covell John, veterinary surgeon
Covell Thomas, tailor
Crossingham William, boot & shoe maker, Punnett’s town
Dallaway Samuel, miller
Daws Joseph, blacksmith
Dray Frederick, saddler
Edwards Edwin, Star
Foster Thos. beer retailer, Punnett’s town
Fuller James, miller, Twisel’s mill
Gosling Alfred, nursery & seeds man, Tower nursery
Gosling William, postmaster
Harmer John, brick maker
Harmer Sylvan, land surveyor & stone mason
Hartfield Michael, wheelwright
Hassell Harry, grocer
Hoad John, beer retailer
Hobden Edward, farmer & hop grower, Sapperton
Hobden William, farmer & hop grower, Holbons
Jarman Edmund & Stephen, farmers, Baldock’s farm
Jenner Thos. grocer & draper, Cade st
Kemp James, blacksmith
Knight Hen. asst. overseer, miller & farmer
Lansdell Edwards, farmer & hop grower, Ford’s farm
Luck James, beer retailer
Meads Edwin, farmer, Howell’s farm
Mepham Thomas, miller
Message Henry, grocer
Moon Samuel, miller
Napp Ruth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Punnett’s town
Overy Henry, farmer & hop grower, Cowden
Pain Horace, blacksmith
Pain John, carpenter
Pankhurst Mary (Miss), boarding school, North down
Parker John Poster, farmer & hop grower, Nettlesworth
Piper Samuel, cabinet maker, carpenter & wheelwright, Punnett’s town
Press William, surgeon
Relf James, farmer & hop grower
Sands Joel, miller
Thomson James, tailor
Ticehurst William, butcher
Upfield James, plumber & painter
Valentine John, shopkeeper, Heathfield common
Waters Thomas, farmer, Huglett’s farm
Winchester John, carpenter
Wright James, Half Moon, Cade st