
From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867

HOLLINGTON is a parish, 2½ miles north-west from Hastings, in the Eastern division of the county, Baldslow rape, rural deanery and county court district of Hastings, union of Battle, diocese of Chichester, and archdeaconry of Lewes. Hollington church attracts many visitors from Hastings, being situated in a wood, and of considerable antiquity: a memorial window is erected at the east end of the church, in memory of the late Sir Charles Montolieu Lamb, Bart., of Beauport: the church has recently been completely restored in memory of the late Mrs. Dampier. The first stone of a new church was laid in October, 1865, to accommodate a newly settled population of some 500 souls: the style is Early English. This parish is supposed formerly to have included the parish of St. Leonard’s, as the parish register in many instances refers to St. Leonard’s-in-Hollington. The living is an endowed vicarage, value £325 per annum, in the gift of C. J. Eversfield of Denne Park, Horsham, and held by the Rev. Rose Fuller Whistler, M.A., of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. There is a school for boys and girls, supported by subscription: the school-house is a neat building of red brick. Beech Farm, Hollington, is very remarkable for a large beech tree which is a guide to sailors when at a great distance out at sea: the house and farm belong to William Rowe Lewis, Esq., J.P. Thomas Papillon, Esq., is lord of the manor; and Sir Archibald Lamb, Bart., and Countess of Waldegrave, C. G. Eversfield, Esq., and Alderman Stone are the largest landowners. The parish comprises an area of 2,470 acres, and the population in 1861 was 800.

Parish Clerk & Sexton William Lutener Lingridge.

Letters through Hastings, which is the nearest money order office

National School, Mark Hurley, master; Mrs. Susan Hurley, mistress

Bally Mrs. Wood end
Birch Mr. William
Brassey Thos. jun. esq. J.P. Beauport pk
Byne Mr. Henry
Clement G. esq
Duke Mrs
Farncombe Charles, esq.
Farncombe Edward esq, Ashbrooke pk
Lamb Sir Archibald, bart. Beauport
Lewis Wm. Rowel, esq. J.P. High beech
Marshall Capt. Hollington villa
Oldrini Gerrard John, esq. Clyde house
Parks Mr. Newton
Pulteney Mrs. Beauchamps
Raymond Mrs. Eliza & Dudley, esq. Northlands
Stainton Misses, Nutholme
Stone D. H. esq. Castleham
Stone Miss
Whistler Rev. Rose Fuller, M.A. [Vicar]Williams Admiral, Silverhill lodge

Ash Thomas, tailor
Christopher David, farmer, Tilekiln farm
Deudney Robert, farmer
Eldridge Robert, farmer
Farncomb Charles & Edward, farmers, Mayfield & Castleham farms
Hack Jesse, Victoria inn
Jeffery George, grocer
Langridge William Lutener, builder & brick maker & monumental sculptor & stone mason
Oliver James, farmer, Blackland farm
Robertson Mary, (Mrs.), Harrow inn
Thomsett Alfred, grocer & cowkeeper
Wood Julia (Mrs.), grocer