From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
LITTLEHAMPTON is a parish and seaport town, at the mouth of the river Arun, in the Western division of the county, hundred of Poling, county court district and rape of Arundel, East Preston incorporation, diocese and archdeaconry of Chichester. It is 59 miles from London by road and 62 by railway; the station is a mile and a half from the town; it is 7 miles from Worthing and 4 from Arundel. From its favourable situation Littlehampton is much frequented as a watering-place: it possesses all the attractions of retirement and seclusion, a mild and salubrious air, and the advantages of rural scenery: the sands at low water are firm and dry, and carriages way travel on them as far as Worthing. The trade is considerable, as it has river communication with an extensive district. A new military fort, constructed on the latest principles, and mounting five 68-pounders, besides mortars, has been erected on the west side of the river. The ground beyond has been selected by the authorities to be used as an encampment for rifle practice, huts for which have been erected. A regatta and races, supported by subscription, have been held here for several years: they are carried out in a spirited manner, and draw a large concourse of spectators. The government is a local board of health, consisting of nine commissioners. The church of St. Mary the Virgin is a Gothic structure, rebuilt in 1825, at a cost of £3,000, and has accommodation for 1,200 persons, including 380 free sittings: it has a magnificent organ. The register dates from 1642. The living is a vicarage, value £175, in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. Charles Rumball, B.A., of Magdalen Hall, Oxford. Here is a National school for 150 children; also an Infant school, erected at the sole expense of Mrs. Compton, and mainly supported by her: it to conducted on the Colonial Infants’ School system. There is a Wesleyan chapel in the Ferry-road, erected in 1825, with accommodation for 250 persons; and a handsome chapel in the High street for the Independents, erected in 1861. A pleasure fair is held on the 26th of May. There are also assembly-rooms for public amusements, concerts, lectures, exhibitions, and public meetings. The Norfolk hotel is the principal inn. The area is 1,222 acres, and the population in 1861 was 2,350.
Parish Clerk, John Shelley.
postmaster. Letters are received through the Arundel office; deliveries commence at 7 a.m. & 12.13 p.m.;dispatched at 12.13 a.m. (box closes at 11.50 a.m.); 6.50 p.m. (box closes at 6.35)
PILLAR POST on the Beach. Letters are cleared 15 minutes before each dispatch
Accidental Death, Jabez Streeter
Globe Fire & Life, Henry Lear
Home & Colonial, James Henry Snewin
Law Union Fire & Life, R. French, High street
London Assurance, John Woodhams, Par road
London & Edinburgh Fire & Life, James Collings
Liverpool & London & Globe, Robert French
Midland Counties, F. W. Sutton, High street
National Reversionary, Robert French
Norwich Union, W. H. Weller, Surrey street
Ocean Marine, Thomas Isemonger
Royal Fire & Life, Alfred Evershed, Old Quay wharf
Royal Exchange, Jabez Streeter
Sovereign. Thomas Harmsworth
Sun, Fire & Life, Edward Corney
Custom House, F. N. Shaw, collector
Vice-Consul for Norway & Sweden, Edward Corney, Ferry road
Harbour Master, Charles Sidney Dunbar, Surrey street
Custom House Tide Surveyor, Nicholas Oates
Deputy Agent for Lloyd’s, Edward Corney. Ferry road
Sub-Distributor of Stamps, Nevil Smart, High street
National School, John Lole master; Mrs. Lole, mistress
NEWSPAPER.- Worthing Express, Bognor, Littlehampton & Shoreham Journal (William H. Weller, publisher), Surrey street; published every tuesday
POSTING HOUSE.- Norfolk hotel & Commercial inn, Charles Thorne
CONVEYANCE.- Omnibuses from the Norfolk hotel, to meet every train
CHICHESTER – F. Gray, from Western road, wed. & sat
PETWORTH – Grigg, tuesday & friday
WORTHING – F. Gray, from Western road, friday
Back Mr. Joseph, Arundel road
Batty Mrs. East street
Breeze Mrs. Arundel road
Candy John Henry, M.D. Island terrace
Carpenter Miss, Ferry road
Candy John Henry, esq. High street
Cheale Mr, Hezekiah, Arundel road
Evans Thomas, esq. East street
Evershed Mrs. Surrey street
French Robert, esq. High street
Graham -, esq. Arundel road
Grudfield Mr. Robert William, Arundel road
Heasman Mrs. Arundel road
Heward Mr. John, Gratwicke place
Hoadley Mr. Henry, Gratwicke place
Hoyland Lieut. John, R.A. Beach
Isemonger Misses, Arundel road
Jebb Mrs. Arundel road
Knight Rev. William [Independent]
Lamb, Charles, esq. Island terrace
Lear Henry, esq. South terrace
Leslie Mrs. Manor house
Lowe Mr. George, Beach road
Mansell Mr. Edward, Arundel road
Morley Samuel, esq. South terrace
Neame Mr. George, Surrey house
Olliver Stephen D. esq. East street
Read William, esq. High street
Reeves Mrs. Beach
Rich Mrs. Arundel road
Rumball Rev. Charles, B.A. [rector], Norfolk terrace
Scarvell Mrs. Surrey street
Shaw Mr. James C. Surrey street
Sparks Mr. George, Elm cottage
Sparks.Mrs. Gratwicke terrace
Stone Mr. Henry, Arundel road
Swan Hugh, esq. Surrey street
Whitborn Mr. Charles, Norfolk Place
Whitmarsh Rev. William, South terrace
Aldridge George, beer retailer, East street
Arundel Old Bank (branch of) (Henty & Co.), High street; attends tuesday & friday, 11 till 2
Ayling Elizabeth (Mrs.), gardener, Church street
Baker William, baker, Ferry road
Baldwin William, lodging house, 6 Western road
Barnard Charles, baker & confectioner, High street
Berry George, Eagle, East street
Blackman John, master mariner, Arundel road
Blake John, butcher, Beach road
Boniface Frederick, lodging house, Western road
Boswell Charles, lodging house, Western road
Boswell Henry, lodging house, Western road
Bransbury Geo. plumber, painter & house decorator, High st
Branshury Henry, Spotted Cow, East street
Brett John, excise officer, Arundel road
Bridger Sarah Ann & Elizabeth (Misses), berlin wool warehouse, High street
Burry George, beer retailer, East street
Burry Jane (Mrs.), milliner, South terrace
Burt Richard, sexton, East street
Burtenshaw John, fish dealer, High street
Bushby Robert, builder & contractor, Arundel road
Butt John Ede, timber merchant, High street
Candy John Henry, physician, Island terrace
Carpenter Harriet (Mrs.), Terminus hotel, High street
Carpenter John, Custom House tavern, Ferry road
Cass Matthew, George family & commercial hotel, High st
Chapman George, plumber, Surrey street
Chapman Harriett (Mrs.), lodging house, Surrey street
Cheesman Benjamin, beer retailer, Pier road
Cobbey George, fruiterer, Middle street
Cobden Eliza (Miss), lodging house, South terrace
Cobden Joshua, master mariner, East street
Cockle Henry, stone mason & builder, High street
Collings James, chemist & stationer, High street
Constable Thomas, brewer & wine & spirit merchant, High st
Corney Edward, builder, Ferry road
Corney Stephen, butcher, East street
Cosens Elizabeth (Mrs.), King’s Arms, Ferry road
Cotton – (Miss), ladies’ school, Norfolk place
Crawford Thomas, beer retailer, Ferry road
Denyer William, plumber, Western road
Dudding Susan (Mrs.), stationer, North street
Duffield Joseph, tailor, High street
Duke Blake, farmer, East street
Ede John, hair dresser, High street
Edney George, grocer, Surrey street
Elstone William Arthur, grocer, High street
Evans Thomas, surgeon, East street
Evershed & Co. timber merchants, Old Quay wharf
Farndell Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, Surrey Street
French Robert, solicitor, High street
Gales Isaac Chapman, master mariner, Surrey street
Gibbs John, baker & confectioner, Middle street
Golds Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, High street
Grace William, mail carrier & town crier, Mantling hall
Gray Frank, carrier, Western road
Griffin Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, High street
Hammond Henry Allwork, ironmonger, Surrey street
Hammond Richard, pork butcher, Surrey street
Harmsworth James, furniture broker, High street
Harris Robert, licensed to let horses, Surrey street
Harris Robert, marine store dealer, Surrey street
Henley John, New inn & family hotel, Middle street
Heward John, ship owner, Gratwicke place
Heward Thomas, ship broker, custom house agent & coal, timber & cement merchant, Ferry road
Hide Charles, farmer, East street
Hide Thomas, farmer, East street
Hills Mary (Mrs.), milliner & dress maker, Surrey street
Holden Henry, baker, High street
Isemonger Thomas, merchant, Surrey street
Jupp Leah (Mrs.), beer retailer, Ferry road
Kennett William, hair dresser, High street
Lamb Charles, solicitor, Island terrace
Latter Charles, farmer, East street
Latter Thomas, White Hart, Surrey street
Latter William, Ship & Anchor, Ferry road
Lawson Mary Ann (Mrs.), ship owner & coal mer. Surrey st
Lear Henry, auctioneer, South terrace
Lock William S. tailor, Island terrace
London & County Banking Company (branch of Arundel bank) (W.K. Milward, Manager), attendance 11 till 2 daily
Mansbridge William, shoe maker, High street
Marner William, tailor, Surrey street
Marshall William, lodging house, 16 & 25 South terrace
Martin William, baker, High street
Masters Thomas, watch maker, Island terrace
Mitchell. Edwin, blacksmith, Surrey street
Mitchell William, lodging house, Beach
Moore James Richard, grocer & cheesemonger, High street
Neame George, gentlemen’s boarding school, Surrey house
Neary William, outfitter, High street
Neil John, barrack master, Battery house
Norris Stephen, grocer, Surrey street
Nutter William, ship builder, High street
Nye John, Dolphin, Surrey street
Oates Nicholas, custom house tide surveyor, Surrey street
Ockenden Albion, ship smith & ironmonger, Ferry road
Oliver Stephen, patent rope manufacturer
Packman Margaret (Mrs.), milliner, High street
Paine Henry William, Britannia, Pier road
Pannell Henry, lodging house, South terrace
Pannell John, confectioner, High street
Pepper William, poulterer, South terrace
Pledge Edward, tailor, Surrey street
Pullen – (Mrs.), lodging house, Western road
Randall Eliza (Mrs.), dress & mantle maker, High street
Randall William Henry, tailor, High street
Ransome Thomas, lodging house, Beach
Richards Robert, Red, White & Blue, Duke street
Robinson George, master mariner, River road
Robinson Joseph, master mariner, Surrey street
Russell William, photographic artist, Arundel road
Saigeman Benjamin, cooper, Duke street
Shettle Henry, grocer, East street
Simpson James, fruiterer, High street
Skinner Henry, lodging house, East cottage
Slaughter George, shoe maker, Surrey street
Smart Nevil, druggist, High street
Smith Charles, linen draper, Island terrace
Smith James, ship owner, Norfolk place
Snewin James Andrew, builder, High street
Snowden Edmund, plumber, Beach
Sole George, master mariner, Norfolk place
Standforth Geo. Wm. wharfinger & steam packet superintendent
Staples George, butcher, High street
Staples Thomas, confectioner, High street
Staples Thomas David, beer retailer, Ferry road
Streeter Jabez, auctioneer, High street
Sutton Frederick W. watch maker, High street
Swan James, grocer & draper, High street
Swan John, plumber & painter, East street
Tasker Edward, baker, Surrey street
Thorne Charles, Norfolk hotel, commercial inn & posting house, Surrey street
Ticehurst & Stonham, grocers & drapers, High street
Tilley Richard, harness maker, High street
Tugwell Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, Western road
Tupper Thomas, carpenter, South terrace
Turner George, poulterer, High street
Weller William Holloway, watch maker, stationer & postmaster, Surrey street
West Peter, corn merchant, Arundel road
Wheeler Joseph, draper, High street
Whitbourn Charles, lodging house, South terrace
White Edwin, shoe maker, Surrey street
White Richard, beer retailer, High street
Whitmarsh William, brazier & tinman, Surrey street, Beach
Winton & Humphrey, clothiers, Surrey street
Winton George, tailor, High street
Woodhams John, miller & corn merchant, Pier road
Worthing Express, Bognor, Littlehampton & Shoreham Journal (William H. Weller, publisher), Surrey street