From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
PATCHAM is a parish, pleasantly situated, 3 miles north from Brighton, on the verge of the South Downs, constituting Dean hundred, in the Eastern division of the county, Lewes rape and archdeaconry, Steyning union, diocese of Chichester, and Brighton county court district. The church of All Saints is a very neat building, situated on rising ground, and is a prominent object from the road, having at the west end a square embattled tower. The living is a vicarage, value £110 per annum, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held by the Rev. Henry Allen, M.A. Patcham Place, the seat of Colonel John Paine, J.P., through whose estate the London and Brighton Railway passes, is a handsome building, erected in the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and is situate in the Downs, flanked with a fine hanging wood, intersected with walks and with a fine luxuriant lawn, and bounded by the road from London to Brighton. The Earl of Abergavenny (lord of the manor), Col. Paine and Lady Ogle, are chief landowners. The soil is chalk. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and pasture. A National school has been erected. The area is 4,398 acres, and the population in 1861 was 638.
Withdean is a pleasant hamlet in the parish of Patcham, a mile and a half north from Brighton, and may be considered a suburb of Brighton. Withdean Hall, the residence of H. C. Lacy, Esq., is a handsome Elizabethan building, erected in 1861. There are also several other residences. The Tivoli tea and pleasure gardens are a great attraction to the inhabitants and visitors of Brighton in the summer season.
MOUSCOMB is a hamlet in this parish.
Parish Clerk, Thomas Legg.
PILLAR BOX.- Letters are received through Brighton & delivered at 10.30 a.m.; dispatched at 5 p.m.; sundays at 11 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Brighton
Letters for Withdean are received through Brighton & delivered at 8 a.m. & 2 p.m.; dispatched at 11 p.m. Receiving house at Preston. The nearest money order office is at Brighton
INSURANCE AGENT.- Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, James C. Friend
National School, Miss Annie Deeks, mistress
Cowie Mrs
Paine Col. John, J.P. Patcham place
Tanner William, esq.
Tillstone E. S. esq. Mousecoomb
Balchin Esau, baker
Ballard Richard, miller
Berkshire John James, Black Lion
Brook John, farmer, Mousecomb
Brown John, farmer
Friend James Clem, grocer & draper
Graimes John, wheelwright
Holder Josias & Daniel, blacksmith
Killick Thomas, market gardener
Legg John, laundry
Picknell Henry, wheelwright & carpenter
Still James. carpenter & builder
Vigor Thomas & Arthur, florists
Willmer Aaron, farmer, Mousecomb
Armstrong Charles, esq.
Champion Frederick, esq.
Gregrey Miss
Hanne Mr. James
Lacy Henry Charles, esq. Withdean hall
Lowdell George, esq.
Martin Mr. James
Ogle Lady, Withdean court
Taylor Elias, esq. Hartford villa
Wooldridge Edward, M.D.
Clarence Emma & Susannah (Misses), ladies’ boarding school, St. John’s
Killick John, nurseryman
Peters James, land steward to Lady Ogle
Rogers & Ayling, Tivoli tea, strawberry & pleasure gardens