From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
PRESTON is a pretty village and parish adjoining the north-east suburbs of Brighton, in the Eastern division of the county Steyning union, Lewes rape, diocese and archdeaconry of Chichester, rural deanery of Arundel, and county court district of Brighton. It gives name to a hundred, and is beautifully situated in a valley one mile north from Brighton, and 51 miles from London, on the Brighton road. The church of St. Peter stands on the hill side: it is an ancient building, and has nave, chancel, and small tower containing 3 bells. The register dates from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The living is a vicarage, with that of Hove annexed, annual value £300, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. Walter Kelly, of Caius College, Cambridge; the Rev. Walter. F. Rowsell is the curate. Here is a National school; also a small Independent chapel on the Lewes-road. The Brighton cavalry barracks and the Brighton water works are situated in this parish, on the Lewes-road. The parish contains several neat villa residences. The area is 1,286 acres, and the population in 1861 was 1,044.
Parish Clerk, Benjamin Herriott.
POST OFFICE.- John Wright, receiver. letters from Brighton arrive at 8 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched at 11.15 a.m. & 5.40 p.m. Box closes at 10.30 a.m. on sunday. The nearest money order office is at Brighton
RECEIVING HOUSE, Lewes road.- George Fewtrell, receiver. Letters from Brighton delivered at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m.; on sundays at 10.45 a.m.
Brighton Water Works, Lewes road, John Common, resident engineer
Cavalry Barracks, Lewes road, John Riley, barrack master
Police Station, Samuel Baldwin, sergeant
National School, Miss Sarah Ann Smith, mistress
Adams Mr. Alford, Port hall
Blaker Miss
Bostock Mrs. Preston villa
Braithwaite Capt. Joseph, Vernon lodge
Bramwell Miss. Hill lodge
Brown Francis, esq. Grove lodge
Fulljames Mrs.
Kemp John, esq. Norfolk lodge
Langton Mrs. Claremont villa
Macdonald Capt. George Burnum, R.A. Preston villas
Mason Mr.
Pegg Mr. George, Preston cottage
Philcox James esq. Glebe side
Saunders Mr. William, Selborne house
Stafford Mr. William, Vicarage
Wadey Mrs
Bates William, cowkeeper, Lewes road
Brighton Water Works (John Common, resident engineer), Lewes road
Brook (J.) & Ingold (William), brewers, dairymen & farmers, Preston brewery
Brook James, farmer
Brooker William, carpenter &c.
Burgess & Chandler, farmers, Preston frm
Chapman Allen, dairyman
Cowley Chas. dairyman, Ditchling road
Cowley Stephen, farmer, Bear farm
Herrington Mrs. Margaret, beer retailer
Fewtrell George, shopkeeper, & post office receiving house, Lewes road
Loveless William, beer retailer
Murray Peter, market gardener
Soughton Edward, miller & baker
Stapley James, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Lewes road
Trussler James, miller, Port mill
Turner James, carpenter
Tutt Jane (Mrs.), laundress, Lewes rd
Vickers Peter, gun maker, Lewes road
Westgate Walter, Bear inn, Lewes rd
Williamson Henry, Crown & Anchor
Wright John, grocer & draper & post office