From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
PULBOROUGH is an extensive parish and village, on the Arundel road, near the junction of the navigable rivers Arun and West Rother, in the Western division of the county, West Easwrith hundred, Arundel rape, Thakeham union, Petworth county court district, diocese and archdeaconry of Chichester, and rural deanery of Storrington, 46 miles from London, 9 north from Arundel, and 6 east from Petworth. The Mid-Sussex Railway passes through the parish, and has a station here. The village, situate at the south-west corner of the parish, forms a long street, containing a considerable population. The great Roman road from Regnum to Londinum passed through this parish in a direct line for the space of 3½ miles: in its vicinity numerous indications of Roman occupation have been found. The church of St. Mary is in the Early English style, situated on a hill of sandstone, and consists of a chancel, two aisles, and a tower at the west end with 5 bells and a clock: its interior is neat: the font is square and large, of Saxon origin: the chancel contains slabs, and a few ancient brasses, and numerous inscriptions to the memory of the Apsley, Coles, Legg, Spragg, Marriott, Cobb, and Tredcroft families: the church has been restored. The register dates from 1595. The living is a rectory, value £1,750 per annum, with residence and 160 acres of glebe land, in the gift of Lord Leconfield, and held by the Rev. William Sinclair, M.A., of St. Mary Hall, Oxford; the curates are the Rev. George Cavill, M.A., of Jesus College, Cambridge, and the Rev. Edward Henry Smart, B.A. of Jesus College, Oxford. The rectory house is well situated, and the pleasure-grounds which surround it contain some fine evergreens and exotics. Three spacious National school-rooms were erected in the years 1858-59: these schools are supported partly by subscription and partly by the proceeds of a bequest by the late rector, the Rev. John Austin. A market for corn is held here every Friday at the Swan inn; and for barley, which is considered the largest in West Sussex: and a fair on Easter Tuesday, for toys. pedlery, &c: a stock market is held every alternate Monday, Mere is a Dissenting chapel, denominated Independent Wesleyan. There are almshouses for four widow’s of the parish (over sixty years of age), erected in 1861, at the expense of Mrs. Helen Anne Burrells: the inmates receive from the parish eighteen pence and one gallon of flour per week each. The soil is strong clay. A considerable portion of the parish is marsh or meadow land. There are two good commercial inns and posting houses, the “Swan,” is an old established house, and the Railway inn, close to the station. The area is 6,398 acres, and the population in 1861 was 1,852.
NUTBOURNE is a manor and tithing of Pulborough, belonging to Lord Abergavenny.
Parish Clerk, Jesse Greenfield.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK, AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- Francis Gardner, postmaster. Letters arrive from London & all parts at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 5.50 p.m. via Petworth; on sundays at 3.50 p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9.15 a.m. to 5.15 p.m.
County Fire, W. E. Hammond
Crown Life, E. Pronger
Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, A. Moase
Royal Farmers’, W. E. Hammond
Station Master, Joseph Brown
Registrar of Births & Deaths, William Eeles Taylor, M.D.
CARRIER.- Agent by appointment to the Mid-Sussex Railway, George King, Swan commercial inn. To Horsham every saturday
Charman, to Horsham, through Billingshurst & Slinfold, to the Crown inn; arrives at 12 noon, and leaves at 5 p.m.
National, Pulborough common, James Allen, master
National, North heath, Mrs. M. A. Bishop, mistress
National, Nutbourne, Miss Bolton, mistress
Boxall Miss
Brands Rev. William Thomas Charles, M.A. [rector of Egdean]
Byam Mrs.
Cavil, Rev. George, M.A. [curate]
Colebrooke Mr. James
Fairburn -, esq.
Grace Mr. William
Hammond Mr. William
Lucas Mr. Thomas
Mead Mrs. Manor house
Moase Mr. Moses
Rutherford Samuel, esq.
Sinclair Rev. William, M.A. [rector]
Smart Rev. Edward Henry, B.A. [curate]
Taylor William Eeles, M.D.
Trevatt Mrs.
Albery James, harness maker
Allen Alfred A. miller & farmer, Nutbourne mill
Allen Dennett, maltster, Hill side
Ayling – (Mrs.), farmer
Barnard Allen, farmer, Stile house
Blunden Clement, shoe maker
Boxall John, farmer, Old place
Boxall John James, farmer, Park farm
Charman William, farmer & carrier
Chatfield Chas. Rising Sun, & farmer
Chatfield Frances (Mrs.), farmer & landowner, Marehill
Chatfield Martha (Mrs.), ladies’ school
Chatfield William H. wheelwright
Cheasmar James, maltster
Child George, plumber & glazier
Child James, shoe maker
Child William, butcher
Child William, carpenter
Clement John Robert, farmer & landowner, Brinsbury
Comper Edward, shopkeeper
Comper Henry, farmer, Oak House
Comper James, farmer, brick maker & grocer, North heath
Cooter John, miller & farmer
Crowhurst John, shopkeeper
Ede Richard, farmer & landowner, Stream farm
Elliott Edwin, farmer & valuer
Elliott Eliza (Miss), preparatory school
Float John, grocer, Crayhill
Gardner Francis & Sons, plumbers, painters & glaziers
Gardner George Watts, Five Bells inn
Grantham Charles, shopkeeper
Grantham Thomas, Railway commercial inn & posting house
Greenfield John, wharfinger, carpenter, & timber merchant
Hammond William Edgar, merchant, farmer & landowner
Harrington Henry, blacksmith
Herrington Joseph, blacksmith
Hide Henry, farmer, Toat farm
Hook Henry, beer retailer
Hopkins James, veterinary surgeon
Hubbard Joseph, blacksmith
Humphrey John, beer retailer & shopkeeper, Codmore hill
Jupp Thomas, farmer, Pythingdean
King George, Swan commercial inn & posting house, & coal merchant
Knight Thomas, farmer, Borough farm
Loxley Edward, shopkeeper
Manfield William, beer retailer
Marsh Joseph, jun. farmer
Marsh Joseph, sen. farmer
Moase Alfred, shopkeeper
Moase Henry, farmer, Todhurst
Morris George F. grocer & linen draper
Napper John, farmer & landowner, Lee farm
Payne Owen, currier &.shoe maker
Penfold Barton, farmer, & at West Chillington
Penfold James, brick maker
Peryer George, farmer. Wiltshire farm
Pronger. Edwin, land agent, timber valuer, & agricultural appraiser & farmer, Combland
Richardson John, beer retailer
Rutherford Samuel, surgeon
Sanders Walter, merchant
Sayer Edmund, farmer
Seller George, tailor
Shotter Frederick William, farmer, Newplace farm
Slater & Daughtry, farmers
Soutter Wm. boot maker & shopkeeper
Stevens Frederick, miller
Stone James, barge builder, Pallingham lock
Strudwick William, White Hart
Swan Arthur, farmer
Taylor William Eeles, physician
Tidy Peter, Red Lion
Trevatt Charles, tailor
Vasey James, inland revenue officer
Vickress Edward Thomas, farmer, Newbridge Hill farm
Whitting Ambrose, relieving officer
Wilmer Edwin, shopkeeper