From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
ROTHERFIELD is a large parish, giving name to a hundred, in the Eastern division of the county, Uckfield union, diocese of Chichester, archdeaconry of Lewes, Tunbridge Wells county court district and Pevensey rape, 7 miles south from Tunbridge Wells, 4 west from Wadhurst station, and 30 from London. The church is a remnant of a monastery founded in the year 800, one year before the commencement of the reign of Egbert, by the monks of St. Denis in France, and dedicated to that saint, out of lands granted to them by Berkenhold, Duke of the South Saxons: it has a square tower with 5 bells, surmounted by a lofty spire: on the north side of the chancel is a baptistry belonging to the ancient family of Nevill, Lords of Abergavenny, whose cognizances, the saltier and portcullis, with occasionally grotesque masks, are placed in the angles of the squares into which the boarded ceiling of the baptistry is divided: in the floor of the chancel are several monumental stones to the memory of the family of Fowle, and to several rectors of the parish: an elegant Gothic altar-table of Norway oak has been presented by the family of the late Rev. Richard Crawley, who held the rectory during the long period of 54 years, and died in 1836: the churchwardens, accounts of vestments and other articles belonging to the church, commence with the first year of Henry VIII.: the chancel has been partly restored by the removal of accumulated coats of whitewash, and the sedilia and piscina restored to their destined purpose: the font was given by the late Earl of Abergavenny, and the ancient wooden cover restored, on one panel of which are the arms of the Nevill family, beautifully carved: in the western extremity of the north aisle is a monumental slab, without inscription, bearing in relief a double sword with cross hilts: upon partially removing the whitewash from the wall near the pulpit, a curious representation of the martyrdom of St. Lawrence was discovered, and it is probable that the other walls of the church were adorned with similar representations. The register dates from 1539. The living is a rectory, annual value £1,354, with residence and 110 acres of glebe (subject to the yearly payment of £100 per annum to the newly-formed district of Eridge Green), in the gift of the Earl of Abergavenny, and held by the Rev. Alfred Child, M.A., of Exeter College, Oxford; the Rev. James Watts, M.A., of Christ’s College Cambridge, is curate. There are fairs held on June 18th and October 20th. Some are chapels for Calvinistic Baptists, Wesleyans and other denominations. The Earls of Abergavenny and De La Warr are lords of the manor; and Earl Abergavenny, R. B. Fry, and J. Scott, Esqrs., and the Goldsmiths’ Company of London, are the chief landowners. The Hall is a square, stone-built residence, very ancient, and pleasantly situated; it is in the Elizabethan style: the dining-room is oak panelled, in good preservation; in the drawing-room is a curious stone chimney-piece, over which is an oak beam carved with initials, nearly obliterated. The area is 14,733 acres, and the population in 1861 was 3,413. The charities are £28 per annum.
At CROWBOROUGH is a chapel and a school for boys, both endowed in 1732 by Sir Henry Fermor; the Rev. John Jervis William Turner, chaplain.
MARK CROSS is a small hamlet, 2 miles north-east from the village, where is situated the Court House, where petty sessions are held on the second and fourth Tuesday in every month for the Frant Division. There is also a County police station, a sub-division of Uckfield, with one sergeant and six constables. A mixed school has also been established in this hamlet, a commodious school-house having been erected.
Parish Clerk, William Elphick.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE, POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK AND GOVERNMENT ANNUITY AND INSURANCE OFFICE.- Edgar Playsted, receiver. Letters by foot-post from Tunbridge Wells, arrive at 8.15 a.m.; dispatched at 5.10 p.m.
POST OFFICE, Crowborough.- Charles Allcorn, receiver. Letters are received through Tunbridge Wells at 9 a.m., dispatched thereto at 5 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Rotherfield
POST OFFICE, Town Row.- William Cooper, receiver. Letters from Tunbridge Wells, arrive as 9.25 a.m.; dispatched at 4.55 p.m.; on sundays dispatched at 1.45 p.m. The nearest money order office is at Rotherfield
PILLAR Box, Mark Cross, cleared at 5.30 p.m.; sundays 9.30 a.m.
Royal Farmers’, A. Fenner
Sun Fire, G. Allcorn
Travellers’ & Marine, A. Fenner
Police Station, Mark Cross, John Peerless, sergeant
Collector of Taxes, George Allcorn, Manor gate
Registrar of Births & Deaths, & Relieving Officer, Thomas Crittell, Beulah
National (mixed), William Burgess, master; Mrs. Jane Leonard, mistress
Charity, Crowborough (founded by Sir Henry Fermor, for 40 boys, who are also clothed), Joseph Wickens, master
Frankham (mixed), Mark Cross
CARRIERS TO LONDON – Robert Jarvis, every tuesday morning, to the Queen’s Head inn, Borough, & returning every thursday night
Billis Joseph, esq. Brownings
Burrows William esq. Beeches
Child Rev. Alfred, M.A. [rector]
Davis Richard, esq.
Davison Mr. James, Green house
Fry Robert Burgess, esq. Walshes
Law Mrs. Rother house
Mackintosh George, esq. Crowborough
Masterman Thomas William, esq. Hall
Miles Michael, esq.
Montizuma -, esq. Highbroom
Moyce Stephen, esq.
Ramsbotham James, esq. Crowborough warren
Russell Rev. Thomas [Baptist]
Thirkell George Oyler, esq. Horse grove
Turner Rev. Jno. Jervis Wm. Crowboro’
Watts Rev. James, M.A. [curate]
Williams Charles Rice, esq.
Wood John, esq. Renolds
Allcorn Charles, grocer & draper, Crowborough cross
Allcorn George, farmer, & assistant overseer, Manor gate
Baldwin James, harness maker
Barnet James, farmer, Boarshead
Bassett Jas. beer retailer, Crowborough
Bentlett James, hair dresser
Boarer Benjamin, Boar’s Head
Bridger Joseph, farmer
Callow Henry, brick maker, Mark cross
Comfort Robert, farmer, Frog’s hole
Cook William, farmer, Renbys
Cooper William, shopkeeper, Town row
Corke Benjamin, farmer, Court
Crittal Robert, farmer, Spout
Crittall Thomas, registrar of births & deaths & relieving officer, Beulah
Croucher James, farmer
Davison George, beer retailer
Davison George, farmer, & agent to the Goldsmiths’ Company & to the Land Securities’ Company (limited), Green House farm
Denton Joseph, watch maker
Dicker William, tailor
Dier John, veterinary surgeon, Crowboro’
Edwards Charles, builder, contractor, undertaker, brick maker & farmer
Edwards William, shopkeeper & beer retailer, Crowborough
Everatt Thomas, farmer, Alice Bright
Fairbrother Henry, farmer
Fenner Andrew, blacksmith, Boarshead
Fenner Thomas, blacksmith
Fermor Richard, farmer
Fermor Thos. wheelwright, Crowboro’
Field Thos. & Frederick, farmers, Welches
Fillery Thomas, farmer, Green hill
Filtness Henry, George, & farmer & coal merchant
Fishenden Thos. shopkeeper, Crowboro’
Forman Owen, farmer
Foulds Geo. Edward, grocer & auctioneer
Golds Ann (Mrs.), grocer & draper, Mark cross
Gout Katherine (Mrs.), farmer
Gower William, shopkeeper
Harman James, bricklayer, Frog’s hole
Harman John, bricklayer
Harman Thomas, bricklayer
Harman Wm. bricklayer, Frog’s hole
Hemsley Trayton, farmer, Inchreed
Histed Thomas, shoe maker
Hoadley James, farmer, Yew Tree farm
Homewood Geo. blacksmith, Burnt oak
Hook Thomas, farmer, Lodge land
Hudson Edward, farmer, Groombridge
Hunsted Wm. farmer, Blackthorn hill
Hyder George, farmer, Warren
Jarvis Robert, carrier, Crowborough
Jeffery Benjamin, Mark Cross inn, blacksmith & wheelwright, Mark cross
Kemp John, farmer, Cobbarn
Killick Ansley (Mrs.), farmer
Killick Anthony, farmer
Killick William, farmer
King William, grocer & draper
Knight (Mrs.), farmer & beer retailer, Jarvis brook
Langridge John, shoe maker
Latter Edward, farmer, Crowborough
Ledger David, farmer, Mead
Lilley Joseph, farmer, Ford brook
Lockyer John, blacksmith, Cobbarn
Lockyer Thomas, blacksmith, Danegate
Luck Charles, shoe maker
Luxford Thomas, farmer, Boarshead
Luxford Thomas, farmer
Luxford William, farmer, Jarvis brook
Mackellow John, farmer & bricklayer
Mackintosh George, surgeon, Crowboro’
Mancer Daniel, farmer & stonemason
Mancer Harriet (Mrs.), farmer & shop keeper, Sweethaws
Marchant John, farmer, Hourne
Marchant Thomas, farmer, Jarvis brook
Martin John, farmer, Rumdons
Mendy William, farmer, Crowborough
Midmore Levi, farmer & shopkeeper
Miles Michael, surgeon
Mills Charles, day school
Moon Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Orza Nash
Moon William, appraiser, Porters
Moyce Stephen, surgeon
Naunton Robert, farmer, Copyhold
Noakes Walter, farmer & sheep & cattle salesman, Tanyard farm, Mark cross
Norman George, farmer, Park corner
Norman William, higgler
Packham William, farmer, Haywards
Paige Philadelphia (Mrs.), farmer, Biddenden
Paige William, farmer, Tubwell
Paine Henry, builder
Piper Edward, wheelwright, Burnt oak
Playsted Edgar, grocer
Pollard James, farmer, Rocks
Pratt George, farmer, Towner’s hill
Pratt Richard, farmer, Crowborough
Pratt Richd. farmer & miller, Crowboro’
Pratt Thomas, farmer, Dewlands
Rawlings Ausley (Mrs.), farmer
Russell John, blacksmith, Crowborough
Scott Edward, King’s Arms
Smith Bruce George H. butcher
Smith Joseph, farmer
Smith Stephen Histed, shoe maker
Smith William, farmer, Jarvis brook
Southron George, farmer
Streatfield Jonathan, farmer, Towers lodge
Summers William, farmer, Park corner
Taylor Henry, farmer, Boarshead
Taylor Samuel, shopkeeper, Mark cross
Taylor Thomas, farmer, Town row
Taylor William, farmer, St. Elliots
Tester Thomas (exors. of), farmer, Boarshead
Tully John, White Hart
Verrall George, blacksmith, Boarshead
Verrall William, blacksmith
Walter David, farmer
Walter Edward, farmer, Mark cross
Walter Edwd. J. jun. miller, Mark cross
Walter George, farmer, Trebblers
Waters J. carrier
Weston Esli, grocer & draper
Wheatley William, farmer, Adam’s farm
Wheeler William, Red Cross, Crowboro’
Wickens Alfred & Charles, farmers & millers, Rudgate mill
Wickens George, farmer, Marbles
Wickens James, beer retailer
Wickens James, farmer, Steel cross
Wickens Obadiah, farmer, Forge
Wickens Thos. shoe maker, Boarshead
Wickens William, butcher
Wickens William, farmer, Brook house
Wickens Wm. wheelwright, Boarshead
Wilmshurst Edward, farmer & beer retailer, Boarshead
Woodhams John, farmer, Danegate