From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
SELSEY is a large village and parish, 9 miles south from Chichester, in the Western division of the county, Manhood hundred, and in the rape, diocese, archdeaconry and county court district of Chichester, West Hampnett union, rural deanery of Boxgrove, forming a peninsula nearly surrounded by the sea, except on the north-west, where it is connected with the mainland by an isthmus a few furlongs across. Pagham harbour constitutes its northern boundary, and portions of the parishes of Sidlesham and Earnley the western: it is a very healthy place, and has on its south-western coast fine sands, and a good view of the Isle of Wight. The village, consisting of three streets, is said originally to have been situated near the centre of the peninsula, but the gradual, yet incessant, attrition of the waves upon the coast has rendered it almost a watering-place, its distance from the sea being only half a mile. The houses in one of the shorter streets are inhabited by fishermen employed in catching lobsters and prawns, which are sent to the London and Brighton markets. There is also a considerable oyster fishery. Four vans run daily between Chichester and Selsey. The church of St. Peter is a handsome building in the Early English style, with a shingle spire, 3 bells, nave, chancel, north and south aisles, and very old Norman font: it was removed in 1865 to the entrance of the village where it now stands, on a commanding site: the chancel was left on the former site, about two miles from the village, and forms now a Chapel for burials and other occasional services. The register dates from 1662. The living is a rectory and vicarage united, value about £750 per annum, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Chichester, and held by the Rev. Henry Foster, M.A., Prebendary of Selsey, and late of St. John’s College, Cambridge, who is possessed of the tithes of the whole parish, on which, however, there is a charge of £10 per annum, in favour of the Prebendal Estate of Selsey, now in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. There is a Parochial school. Selsey was the original seat of the see of Chichester, and a town of consequence for a long period: it was founded by St. Wilfred, bishop of York, to whom Selsey was granted by Edelwalch, King of Sussex, and where he built a church. Eadbert, his successor, was consecrated Bishop of Selsey, in 711: in 1072, Stigand removed the see to Chichester. There is a Life Boat station. The principal landed proprietor is the Hon. Mrs. Vernon Harcourt. The area is 3,494 acres, including about 426 acres of mud land in Pagham harbour; the population in 1861 was 900.
Parish Clerk, Edmund Woodland
Letters through Chichester, Sidlesham is the nearest money order office
INSURANCE AGENT.- Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, Richard Cock
Parish School, Mrs. Henrietta Morris, mistress
CARRIERS TO CHICHESTER.- Michael Fidler, James Clark & James Petts, daily
Foster Rev. Henry, M.A. [rectory]
Summers Mrs.
Tomlin Mrs.
Warner Miss
Woodman Misses, Norton
Arnell Henry Robinson, farmer & miller
Buddle William, butcher
Chase Richard, farmer & machine owner
Clayton James, farmer, High house
Clayton William, grazier
Cobby George, coast guard officer
Cook Richard, grocer, baker &c.
Cousens Charles, shopkeeper
Dearling Mary Ann (Mrs.), Crown
Fleetwood James (Mrs.), ladies’ boarding school
Howes Robt. coast guard officer, Thorney
James John, marine store dealer
Jolliffe Jane (Mrs.), baker
Mitchell James, farmer, Norton
Morgan Henry, shopkeeper
Paige William, beer retailer
Penfold Hugh Heath, farmer, Coles farm
Pink John Millington, farmer
Prior Charles, blacksmith
Pullinger Colin, builder, contractor, undertaker &c. & sole inventor & patentee of the automaton & perpetual mousetrap (hon. mention, 1862)
Smart George, carpenter
Stapleton William, beer retailer
Stubbs William, shopkeeper
Stubington Fanny (Mrs.), farmer
Stubington Lambert, maltster & farmer
Stubington William, farmer
Wade James, shopkeeper
Wheatley George, gardener
Woodland William, farmer, Medmeny
Woodman William Cosens, farmer & landowner, Norton