From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
STORRINGTON is a parish and market town, in the Western division of the county, West Easwrith hundred, Petworth county court district, rape of Arundel, Thakeham union, diocese and archdeaconry of Chichester, and rural deanery of Storrington. It is 50 miles south-south-west by road from London, 9 north-east from Arundel, 10 south-east from Petworth, and 4 south-east from Pulborough railway station. It consists of two streets, intersecting at right angles. Gas works were erected here in 1861. The market for corn is held every alternate Tuesday; and two fairs on the 13th May for cattle and horses, and on the 11th November for cattle, pedlery, &c. The church of St. Mary consists of chancel, nave and north aisle, with square tower at the west end: the chancel contains two elegant marble monuments, by Westmacott, to the memory of Sir Henry Hollis Bradford, Knt., and Major Hugh Falconer and daughter. The register dates from 1590. The living is a rectory, the tithes have been commuted at £600 per annum, with residence, and 28 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Duke of Norfolk, and held by the Rev. John Scott Whiting, B.A., of Worcester College, Oxford. Here is a school endowed by Jane Downer, who, in 1763, gave £500 Three per Cents. for the education of twenty poor children. Mary Coates, in 1779, gave land and money, amounting to £404, for the purchase of bread for the poor not receiving parochial relief; and subsequently J. Hooper and Mary his wife, gave by deed a farmhouse and premises at Cootham, £15 of which were to be added to the income of Downer’s charity, and the rest to be distributed in bread to the poor. The principal landowners are the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Leconfield, and F. King, Esq. Parham House, the seat of the Hon. Robert Curzon and the Baroness De la Zouche, stands in a fine wooded park, which is well stocked with deer, about a mile and a half west of Storrington. Fryern House is another seat. The population in 1861 was 1,104; the area is 3,264 acres.
COOTHAM, about one mile west, is a hamlet of this parish.
Parish Clerk, John Battcock.
POST AND MONEY ORDER OFFICE AND POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK.- John Battcock, postmaster. Letters from London and all parts arrive at 8 a.m.; dispatched at 5.25 p.m. via Hurstpierpoint
British Empire Mutual Life, William Thomas Sandford
General, William Thomas Sandford
Liverpool & London & Globe Fire & Life, W. T. Sandford
Stamp Office, William Gallier, sub-distributor
Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, & Clerk to Thakeham Union, Arthur Mant, esq.
National School, Alfred Lashmar, master; Mrs. Lashmar, mistress
CONVEYANCE.- Albert Lee’s omnibus to Worthing, through Washington & Findon, monday, thursday & saturday
CARRIERS TO WORTHING.- Hammond & Son, tuesday, thursday & saturday
Amoore Miss
Barberie Mrs.
Beck Rev. James, M.A.
Carter Mrs.
Challen Mrs.
Dennett Miss
Heath Mr. William, Cootham house
Hemmingway Walter, esq. Cobb court
King Frederick, esq. Fryern house
Mant Arthur, esq.
Mudd Barrington Richard, esq. M.D.
Mudd Francis David, esq.
Nicholls Miss
Sandford Mr. William Thomas
Whiting Rev. John Scott, B.A. Rectory
Young Major
Adsett George, hair dresser
Battcock George, maltster
Battcock William, farmer
Botting & Co. grocers &c.
Braby Edward, boot maker
Brigden Edwin, saddler & ironmonger
Carter John, Crown, Cootham
Challen & Son, auctioneers
Challen James, farmer, Hurston
Churchill James, shoe maker
Churchill Thomas, shoe maker
Crowhurst Robert, miller & baker
Duke George, blacksmith
Emery Edwd. & Richd. farmers, Hurston pl.
Etherton Edward, blacksmith
Foxwell George, stationer
Gallier William, supervisor of inland revenue, & stamp office
Goodger George, beer retailer
Greenfield James, grocer
Hammond Edward William, plumber
Hammond William, Half Moon
Hews George, tailor
Hughes Ann (Miss), ladies’ school
Hughes George, fellmonger
Hughes Judith (Mrs.), straw bonnet maker
Jenner John, farmer, Kithurst
Joyes Henry, baker
Knight John, carpenter
Laker Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cootham
Lee Albert, butcher
Lee Eliza (Mrs.), White Horse
Lefford Thomas, miller & baker
Linfield Thomas, pork butcher
Manchlain John, baker
Mant Arthur, solicitor
Mudd Barrington Richard, M.D. surgeon
Mudd Francis David, surgeon
Mustchin William, Anchor
Ord John, inland revenue officer
Skinner John, bricklayer
Stanford Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Stedman James, watch maker
Storrington Gas Works (William Thomas Sandford, secretary)
Terry Ann (Mrs.), dress maker
Terry Francis, carpenter
Terry Henry, wheelwright
Towse Maurice, butcher
Turner George, bricklayer
Turner Henry, bricklayer
Wagstaff James, shoe maker
Wakefield William, chemist
West Edward, farmer, Chantry farm
Young Harriet (Mrs.), grocer