From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
WESTBOURNE is a large parish, which gives name to a hundred and union, in the Western division of the county, rape, county court district, diocese, and archdeaconry of Chichester, and rural deanery of Boxgrove, 7 miles from Chichester, 14 from Portsmouth, and about one mile from Emsworth railway station. Its western limit is formed by a small stream or bourne, called the Emm, dividing it from the county of Hants: Racton, Funtington, Chidham, and the northern branch of Chichester Harbour form the other boundaries.. The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient edifice, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, porches, and west tower: it has recently been restored, at a cost of £2,000: the timber spire was added in 1770, together with the peal of 6 bells, by the Earl of Halifax, then of Stansted: there are five windows of stained glass, the eastern presented by the rector, the western by Sir Provo Wallis; the others are memorials to the families of Oldfield, Mundy, and Newland; the chancel screen is of oak, with metal gates: the northern approach to the church is through a fine avenue of yew trees, planted in 1530 by Lord Maltravers. The registers commence in 1550, and are perfect to the present time. The living, formerly a sinecure rectory and vicarage, is now a rectory and vicarage in medieties, annual value £450, in the gift of, and held by, the Rev. John Hanson Sperling M.A., of Trinity College, Cambridge. The tithes are divided between the incumbent, the Dean and Chapter of Chichester, and the perpetual curate of Stansted. Here is a National school, for 80 boys and 80 girls, in Westbourne, and two others in Prinsted and Nutbourne, containing together about 150 children. The union comprises the following parishes:- Bosham, Chidham, Compton, East Marden, Funtington, North Marden, Racton, Stoughton, Upper Marden, Westbourne, West Dean, and West Thorney. The principal landowners are the Earl of Dartmouth, Mrs. Dixon, Lord Leconfield, Charles Dorrien, Esq., and Messrs. Hipkin, Wyatt, Quick, and Osmond, &c. The area is 6,000 acres, including mud land, and the population in 1861 was 2,165.
ALDSWORTH, HERMITAGE, NUTBOURNE, PRINSTED, and WOODMANCOTE are tithings belonging to this parish. Ashdean, Lumley, Gosden Green, Sindells, and Priors Lease are other places.
Parish Clerk, William Poate.
POST OFFICE.- William Astridge, receiver. Letters arrive from Emsworth at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7.25 p.m. Emsworth is the nearest money order office
Mutual Life, Charles Fisher Barham
Norwich Union, William Astridge
Provincial Fire, Charles Fisher Barham
Royal Fire & Life, Robert Thorpe
Royal Farmers’, John Wyatt, sen. Nutbourne
Union House, Thomas M’Gorrery, master
Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, William Poate
Registrar of Births, Deaths Marriages, Charles Fisher Barham
National, Westbourne, James Covington, master; Miss Ann Bridger, mistress
National, Prinsted, Mrs. Mary Marshall, mistress
CARRIERS TO CHICHESTER & PORTSMOUTH:- William Till & William Pitney, daily
Allen Rev. Robert, Pinhorn
Bailey Mr. Henry, Prinsted
Baxter William R. LL.D
Bider Mrs. Nutbourne
Blissett Capt. Gosden green
Collins Henry, esq. Aldsworth
Day Mr. John, Hermitage
Furlong Mrs.
Gale Mr. Godfrey, Gosden green
Gibbon Robert, esq. Prinsted lodge
Grandy Capt. John, R.N.
Harfield Misses, Prinsted
Hipkin George, esq. Aldsworth
Irvine Rev. William Henry, M.A. [curate], Church house
Johnson Mr. Andrew, Vicarage
Lyne Miss
Oldfield Col. John, J.P. Oldfield lawn
Oldfield Miss, Lumley cottage
Osmond John Hewett, esq.
Rogers Mr. James
Sheen Misses, Hermitage
Silvester Mr. George, Nutbourne
Sperling Rev. John Hanson, M.A. Rectory
Stephens Daniel W. esq.
Wadsworth Mr. Godfrey Bingley
Webb Samuel William, M.D. Prinsted villa
Willis Mrs. Nutbourne
Woodman Miss
Wright Mr. John Harris, Prinsted cott.
Appleford Thomas, shoe maker, Prinsted
Astridge William, grocer
Ayling John, bricklayer, Nutbourne
Bailey Albert, farmer, Prinsted
Bailey Geo. Harvest Home, Prinsted
Bailey William, farmer, Prinsted
Barham Charles Fisher, relieving officer
Barham Henry, linen draper
Bowman George, farmer, Prinsted
Bignell William, shoe maker & farmer, Nutbourne
Bowman William, farmer, Prinsted
Byerley Nathaniel, White Horse
Byerley Thomas, miller, Slipper mill
Catchlove Edwin, chair maker
Churcher Edward, farmer
Churcher George, farmer
Coles Charles, wheelwright
Collins William, drillman
Collison Edwd. shoe maker, Hermitage
Corbin Stephen, farmer, Nutbourne
Covington Richard, farmer
Cox John, blacksmith & beer retailer, Nutbourne
Cox William, farmer, Nutbourne
Crutchley John, farmer, Hambrook
Dawkins Benjamin, farmer, Sindell’s
Day John, millwright, Hermitage
Devonshire Wm. farmer, Gosden green
Gillman Wm. collector of poor rates
Goddard Thomas & Son, blacksmiths
Gorsuch Joseph, shoe maker, Nutbourne
Green James, butcher, Nutbourne
Guy James, Bell & Anchor, Nutbourne
Guyatt James, jun. miller
Guyatt James, sen. farmer
Guyatt Theophilus, shoe maker
Hardham Jas. Gates, farmer, Hambrook
Hardy William, gardener, Hermitage
Hatch Andrew Bone, miller, maltster, brewer, corn & coal merchant & farmer, Gosden green
Hellyer William, carpenter, Hermitage
Hersey Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Nutbourne
Higgins William, farmer, Nutbourne
Himmens Frederick, travelling draper, Prinsted
Irish Henry Joseph, veterinary surgeon
Jordan Alfred, blacksmith, Prinsted
Jordan Thomas, blacksmith, Nutbourne
Kelsey George, beer retailer, Nutbourne
Kelsey Richard, farmer, Prinsted
Kinch Thomas, carpenter, Nutbourne
Kinch Thomas, wheelwright, Prinsted
Lambourne Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper
Langley Isaac, farmer, Prinsted
Latter Daniel, beer retailer
Latter Edney, higgler
Latter Mary Ann (Miss), grocer
Longland Chas. beer retailer, Hermitage
Maidmant S. painter, Hermitage
Marsh Ann (Mrs.), baker, Nutbourne
Mason John, saddler, Hermitage
Matthews John, general dealer
Miller Adolphus, sail maker, Prinsted
Miller Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Hermitage
Miller Joseph, baker, Hermitage
Miller Mary (Mrs.), sail rope maker, Hermitage
Orchin Joseph, farmer, Common
Poate William, carpenter
Poor James, farmer
Potter Robert, shoe maker
Quinnell Jas. Royal Oak, Hermitage
Reeves Robert, drillman, Hermitage
Richards Aaron, farmer, Woodmancote
Rogers Richard, miller, Hambrook
Rogers William, farmer, Prinsted
Sandle William, farmer, Hambrook
Scadgell John, upholsterer
Silver Robert, grocer, Prinsted
Silvester John, farmer
Sparks Charles, grocer
Stent William, Cricketers’ inn
Terry James, miller, maltster & farmer, Lumley mill
Thorpe Robert, Lamb inn
Twine James, carpenter, Prinsted
Upperton James, beer retailer, Nutbourne
Wadsworth Godfrey Bingley, surgeon
Wakeford George, George & Dragon, Nutbourne
Walker Ralph, farmer, Woodmancote
Wilks George Bridger, plumber
Woodman John, basket maker
Wyatt Francis Wm. farmer, Nutbourne
Wyatt John, jun. corn merchant & farmer, Nutbourne
Wyatt John, sen. miller, corn merchant &c. Nutbourne