From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Essex, Herts, Middlesex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1867
WHATLINGTON is a parish, 2 miles north from Battle, on the river Brede, and the high road from Battle to London, in the Eastern division of the county, Battle hundred and union, Hastings rape and county court district. The register dates from the year 1538. The living is a rectory, value £160 per annum, in the gift of, and held by, the Rev. William Margesson. The parish comprises 1,255 acres, and the population in 1861 was 343.
POST OFFICE.- James Banister, receiver. Letters from Battle at 7 a.m.; dispatched at 7 p.m.; on sunday, 12 a.m. Battle is the nearest money order office
Greensmith Rev. John Fras. M.A. [curate]
Bates Mrs.
Overy Thomas, esq. Leaford lodge
Radford Mrs. Bank cottage
Welstead Charles Marion, esq.
Apps William, farmer
Banister James, shopkeeper
Bean Isaac, Royal Oak
Crisford Charlotte (Mrs.), grocer
Grisford Robert, farmer
Pankhurst William, carpenter
Pinyon John, farmer
Ticehurst Stephen, baker
Tindall William, farmer
Walker Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Watson Walter, farmer