1934 Kelly’s

From Kelly’s Post Office Directory of Sussex, 1934 (pp. 288)

NEW FISHBOURNE is an ecclesiastical parish, at the head of the eastern branch of Chichester harbour, on the road from Chichester to Portsmouth, 1 mile west from Chichester, and has a halt on the motor rail service between Portsmouth and Chichester; it is in the Chichester division of the county, hundred of Box and Stockbridge, rape, petty sessional division and county court district of Chichester, and rural deanery and diocese of Chichester. Water is obtained from the Chichester Corporation Works, and is laid on to practically all houses, and the village is lighted with electricity. The church of SS. Peter and Mary is of stone, in the Early English style, and has a belfry containing one bell: there are 140 sittings. The register dates from the year 1589. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £339, with 1½ acres of glebe and residence in the gift of The Crown, and held since 1912 by the Rev. Neville Frederick Shaw M.A. of Magdalen College, Oxford. A church room was erected in 1905. There is a Methodist chapel. The Rector’s trust account, a sum of £100 in Consols, which produces £2 18s. 4d. yearly, is for the benefit of the poor of the parish. The ownership of the land is divided. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, clay and gravel. The land is chiefly used for grazing. The population in 1931 was 425.

Under the West Sussex Review Order, in 1933, part of New Fishbourne was transferred to Chichester and part to Funtington.

Post, M. O. & Tel. Call Office. Telegrams dispatched but not delivered. Letters through Chichester.

(For T N’s see general list of Private Residents at end of book.)
Baxter Miss E. South View
Burnand Mrs. Willow cottage
Carlyon-Britton Maj. P. W. P., F.S.A., D.L., J.P. (Middlx.) Eversfield
Eaton Alfred, Warwick house
Edgar John G. The Gables
Johnson Mrs. R. B. Manor house
Ledger Henry, The Bays
Linkins Sidney James, Denmead
Lintott Charles R. The Croft
Morgan Herbert, St. Margarets
Prior John Woods, Cranford
Prior Mrs. Kensington cottage
Salter Samuel, Norton house
Scarterfield Arthur, Shandallagh
Sharp Richard Joseph, Westfield (postal address, Westgate, Chichstr)
Shaw Rev. Neville Frederick M.A. (rector), Rectory
Shorland Arthur William, St. Pol
Smurthwaite John Herbert, Weston ho
Spicer Capt. Stewart D., R.N.(ret.), Salt Mill house
Strange Grove D. Fishbourne lodge
Tripp Guy H. H. The Chestnuts
Walker Joseph, Blairlusk
Wallace James G. H. Fishbourne rd
Waring Jn. A., M.B. Fishbourne cott

Blake Wltr. beer retlr
Boys C. C. & Son, motor engnrs. Weston garage. TN Chichester 398
Brigden Harold Sidney Beecher, watch mkr
Chichester Drainage Outfall Works (H. Ede, mngr.). TN Chichester 229
Chitty Brian, farmer, Lawrence farm
Gadd Harry, Bull’s Head P.H. TN Chichester 426
Mayor Jas. grocer
Nutbeem Levi & Sons, bakers. & post office. TN Chichester 224
Powell Christine (Miss), dressma.
Pusey Wm. Eli, dairy farmer, Wylwyn, Clay la
Scorey Cecil Jn. farmer, The Elms
Swatton Herbt. Wm. nurseryman TN Chichester 484
Wakeford & Son, nurseryman, Westmead nurseries
Woolgar Thos. Benj. boot repr